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The Bulldog Thumb Protector has been around for years now, but not many people know about it. With a recent change in ownership, the company's mission is to save as many thumbs as possible and get the word out about this innovative product that could change the industry of team roping. 

A familiar name in team roping recently purchased the company and has been making efforts to improve the marketing and social media aspects of the business. Jahew Thorp, father of 2023 World Champion Team Roper Wesley Thorp, has been a fan of the product for many years now and has used it himself when competing to help prevent any incidents. 

When Thorp heard that the Bulldog hadn’t been in production anymore and there could be an opportunity to take over, he immediately jumped on it. He believes that if this product were in the hands of more team ropers, the number of incidents prevented and thumbs that can be saved would be limitless. 

The product is fairly simple and provides a hard, slick barrier between your thumb and rope/ saddle horn. It can be custom-fitted to you by heating the plastic piece in hot water and molding it to the shape of your thumb, this allows for a complete feel of your rope preventing any restrictions in mobility. It is easily slipped into your favorite glove and can be transferred through different pairs of gloves, as well as reused as many times as necessary.


Bulldog Thumb Protector

How many team ropers do you know that are missing thumbs, have had close calls, or have even had to have them reattached? Are you letting your fear of losing a thumb get in the way of improving your roping? The Bulldog Thumb Protector could be a simple solution to an extremely common issue in the sport of team roping.

For more information visit, Bulldog Thumb Protector.