Top stars, best performances for Jan. 8 in Mississippi high school boys basketball

From Florence's Devin Carter to Stone High's Cortez Dennis to Center Hill's Zandon Haralson (pictured above), there were several standout boys basketball
Top stars, best performances for Jan. 8 in Mississippi high school boys basketball
Top stars, best performances for Jan. 8 in Mississippi high school boys basketball /

From Florence's Devin Carter to Stone High's Cortez Dennis to Center Hill's Zandon Haralson (pictured above), there were several standout boys basketball performances across the state of Mississippi on Friday, Jan. 8.

Here's a look at Friday's top boys basketball performances:

Did we miss someone? Tag us on Twitter or Instagram @sblivems and let us know. We’ll update the post with more top performances as they are submitted by readers.



Gavin Brinker, Pontotoc

Brinker scored 16 points to lead Pontotoc to a 57-53 road win over Itawamba.

Keshawn Brown, Vicksburg

Brown scored a game-high 22 points to lead No. 10 Vicksburg to a 69-62 win over Ridgeland.

Devin Carter, Florence

Carter scored a game-high 36 points to lead Florence to a 70-47 win over Quitman in a Region 5-4A matchup.

Cortez Dennis, Stone High

Dennis racked up 38 points, 14 rebounds and 3 blocks to lead Stone High to a 69-45 win over Forrest County.

Christian Gilliland, Northpoint Christian

Gilliland scored 28 points in a 74-69 loss to MHEA.

Kaleb Guy, Booneville

Guy scored a game-high 17 points to lead Booneville to a 62-43 win over Baldwyn.

Keondra Hampton, Itawamba

Hampton scored a game-high 18 points in Itawamba's 57-53 loss to Pontotoc.

Zandon Haralson, Center Hill

Haralson put on a show with a 40-point performance to lead Center Hill to a 96-51 victory over Lafayette.

Jordan Harvey, Velma Jackson

Harvey led the Falcons with 17 points as they beat Crystal Springs 49-40 to move to 2-0 in region play.

Josh Hubbard, Madison-Ridgeland Academy

Hubbard scored a game-high 18 points to lead MRA to a 64-37 win over Parklane.

Nick Krauss, St. Patrick

Krauss poured in 40 points to lead St. Patrick to a 68-55 win over East Marion.

Dorian Whitley, DeSoto Central

Whitley scored a game-high 18 points to lead DeSoto Central to a 62-38 win over Lewisburg.

Caleb Wilson, St. Joseph

Wilson scored 24 points in a loss to Pisgah.


Did we miss someone? Tag us on Twitter or Instagram @sblivems and let us know. We’ll update the post with more top performances as they are submitted by readers.


(Feature photo by Keith Warren)
