Vote: Which is the best high school football uniform from the 2023 playoffs?
SBLive Sports sent photographers to high school football playoff games all over the country in 2023, and we combed through our database of photos to pick our favorite uniforms.
Now we're turning the conversation over to you, the reader, to decide which uniform captured by SBLive Sports photographers is best in the nation.
Vote in the poll below to make your selection. Pictures and descriptions of the top 20 uniforms are below the poll.
The voting will conclude Tuesday, Dec. 26, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.
Belleville Tigers (Michigan)
Belleville looks like a bolder, more Halloween version of Clemson, and the tiger on the pants is an excellent touch.
Benjamin Mustangs (Texas)
Love the purple stripes and purple mustang on the Benjamin jersey, and the mustang-in-Texas helmet really completes this kit.
Central Catholic Rams (Oregon)
Central Catholic's uniforms look so college-ready that they could sub in for USC and fans might not notice.
Conway Wampus Cats (Arkansas)
The blue-and-black stripes on the shoulders contrast nicely with Conway's black-and-white stripes on the pants, and everything's better when you stick a Wampus Cat on a helmet.
Dunbar Poets (Maryland)
When you're blessed with a fantastic mascot like the Poets, it's a good idea to flaunt it. The understated "Dunbar" on the jersey makes the big "Poets" on the pants and helmet pop even more.
Edina Hornets (Minnesota)
If the superhero Green Hornet morphed into a high school football player, he'd look just like an Edina Hornet.
Graham-Kapowsin Eagles (Washington)
If there's a better Eagle logo out there, I'd love to see it. And the way the orange beak matches the vibrant jersey is expert level by Graham-Kapowsin.
Liberty Bell Mountain Lions (Washington)
If Jackson Pollock were given the job to design one of the Oregon Ducks' alternate uniforms, it might come out looking something like this. Bravo, Liberty Bell.
Madison County Cowboys (Florida)
Props to the weird on this one. Never seen a football uniform like it, and MADCO is just a perfect word to describe the look Madison County came up with.
Marionville Comets (Missouri)
Marionville's uniform is a favorite in an astronomical sense. Thanks to a quick Google search, I learned most comets are blue. And I know from experience looking up at the night sky that space is black. Perfect.
Miami Norland Vikings (Florida)
Minnesota Vikings fans who like the color maroon better than purple might want to get their hands on some Miami Norland swag.
Nazareth Academy Roadrunners (Illinois)
Love the light- to dark-blue color scheme, plus the bold-bold combo of the big N on the helmet and NAZARETH on the jersey.
Oak Grove Warriors (Mississippi)
Oak Grove's uniforms look like the Pittsburgh Steelers and Florida State Seminoles made a deal to meet in the middle. It's a very agreeable compromise.
Prince Avenue Christian Wolverines (Georgia)
Michigan has arguably the best uniform in college football, and Prince Avenue Christian had the good sense to keep the classic kit mostly intact. But shout-out to the addition of a tiny wolverine head on the pants.
Ramona Rams (California)
The symmetry between the sleeve bands and helmets is excellent, but not as good as the dark ram horns contrasting with the powder-blue jerseys. And like Prince Avenue Christian, the placement of Ramona's logo on the pants is a smart touch.
Serra Padres (California)
The matching embroidered-looking patterns on the helmet, sleeves and pants pair perfectly with Serra's bright-blue uniform.
Southlake Carroll Dragons (Texas)
Southlake Carroll's white jerseys are also sharp, but the green-black combo wins. On top of that, the dragon-inside-Texas logo on the helmet is hard to beat.
St. Edward Eagles (Ohio)
St. Edward looks like the Packers with a more unique helmet. If Green Bay ever changes its name to Een Bay, then lifting the Eagles' helmet design would be a wise move.
Steelton-Highspire Steamrollers (Pennsylvania)
Home of the Steamrollers, Steelton-Highspire's football team looks like the Detroit Lions with a white-sleeved twist.
Velma Jackson Falcons (Mississippi)
Velma Jackson brings an end to the "looks like such-and-such NFL team" trend with an exclamation point. The Falcons chose a yellow that's way more YELLOW than yellow.
Best high school sports uniforms in the nation: Check out some favorites worn this spring
Best high school mascot in every US state: Poll results
-- Mike Swanson | | @sblivesports