Look: Texas high school girls soccer player steps up as field goal kicker

The Pasadena Memorial football team received help from a girls soccer player in a win over Sam Rayburn

Emily Chavez typically makes plays on the soccer field.

This week, the Pasadena Memorial (Texas) senior made plays on the football field. 

Chavez stepped in to made three kicks Thursday night in Pasadena Memorial's 65-15 win over Sam Rayburn. In addition to drilling a 27-yard field goal, Chavez went 2-for-2 on extra points for the Mavericks.

When Pasadena Memorial recently lost its kicker to injury, Chavez came to the rescue.

"My parents always told me to try football, but I was always too nervous to do it," Chavez told Legacy Sports Network. "One of the kickers got hurt, and I got the opportunity. I was like 'Ok, let's do it.'"

After suiting up in shoulder pads and a helmet and booting multiple field goals for the football team, Chavez can now tell colleges she is a dual-sport athlete.

Pasadena Memorial is scheduled to take on South Houston next week in a battle of 3-2 teams.
