Coach Matt Gruhler Skyview Q/A

Are you superstitious? Unfortunately, yes. I know it doesn't make sense, but if we get a win and I am wearing a certain tie, I'm probably wearing that tie
Coach Matt Gruhler Skyview Q/A
Coach Matt Gruhler Skyview Q/A /

  1. Are you superstitious?

Unfortunately, yes. I know it doesn't make sense, but if we get a win and I am wearing a certain tie, I'm probably wearing that tie again in the next big game. I know it does nothing for our team's performance, but I can't help it.

2. What sports books/movies are your favorite?

Every year, I watch 2 movies before season starts: Hoosiers and Facing the Giants. Those always get me ready for the season.

3. What is one word you hope your former athletes use to describe you?

Positive- It is one of our core convents in our program. I feel like having optimism helps on the court and in life.

4. What do you believe is the proper role of parents when it comes to high school sports?

Cheerleaders for the team. The best parents care about the program as a whole and do things to help (driving players, fundraising, etc). When it comes to the game, positively cheering for all the players on the team makes for a better situation.

5. What was your most memorable moment as a coach?

Taking Skyview to the State Tournament at the Tacoma Dome for the first time in school history.

6. Biggest challenge as a high school coach?

Balancing the amount of work I want to put in to help our players/our program improve and reach their goals, while realizing that my family comes first and coaching isn't my full time job.

7. Who is the best player you've seen at the high school level in Washington?

Michael Porter Jr was pretty dominant. He made it look very easy.

8. Why did you get into coaching?

Why I coach: "To help lead boys to become men by teaching Positivity, Accountability, Togetherness, Hard work and Selfishness (PATHS) through competing in the game of basketball." I wanted to positively impact young people, like many of the leaders I was impacted by growing up.
