A's Fans Planning Boycott of Opening Day

If Oakland A's owner John Fisher thought that it was tough to make money in Oakland before, he could be in for a very rude awakening in 2024. After drawing well under one million attendees each of the past three seasons, the fans that have been showing up day in and day out for decades are calling it quits.
Last Dive Bar, an A's fan group, is calling for a full boycott of Opening Day, which is typically one of the team's better-attended games. Last year the team drew 26,805, their fourth-most attended game of the season. The other three were the two reverse boycott events and the Unite the Bay night in Oakland.
But the fans aren't stopping there.
They'll instead be in the parking lot protesting on Opening Day. The details haven't been made official yet, but this will presumably not be a tailgating event since bringing cars and parking them at the Coliseum would lead to fans paying for parking. Instead they'll park off-site or take BART.
Last Dive Bar is also hoping that fans follow their lead in cancelling their season tickets and instead donating the money that would have been used (or a portion of it), and donating the funds to Schools Over Stadiums in an effort to get the funding for the ballpark in Las Vegas blocked.
The Oakland 68's, another fan group, released a statement which included the line, "Our united voiced showed how loud we were in 2023; just wait for 2024."
Even with MLB owners unanimously approving the A's relocation bid on Thursday, there is still a lot that needs to be done in order to land the team in the desert. The vote was a formal step that kept the process moving forward, but it was not the final step.
A's fans, like Oakland, do not quit. This may be far from over.