If Kyrie Irving's Goal Is Taking A Stand For Social Justice Then Playing NBA Games Should Be The Vehicle

The NBA world was buzzing last night after NBA star Kyrie Irving led a conference call with several NBA players urging them to consider all sides of the league's proposal to resume play.  One of Irving's issues was that he felt it was a bad look for NBA players to be playing games for entertainment in the midst of the nations racial climate.  In my opinion, if the social issues of this country are one of Irving's concerns then playing games seems like the best course of action.

The NBA world was buzzing last night after NBA star Kyrie Irving led a conference call with several NBA players urging them to consider all sides of the league's proposal to resume play. One of Irving's issues was that he felt it was a bad look for NBA players to be playing games for entertainment in the midst of the nation's racial climate. In my opinion, if the social issues of this country are one of Irving's concerns then playing games seems like the best course of action.

If the NBA does in fact return to play, it will easily be viewed by millions of eyes all over the world.  Sports have been gone for three months and the NBA would be the first major sports league to return.  With this much attention obviously being focused on your league, it seems that Irving, amongst all other players who are passionate about equality for black people, would use this opportunity to express himself in what will be one of the biggest public forums available.

Wear a Black Lives Matter shirt over your warmups, when interviewed, preface every question with words that make people have to hear out your cause, have as many organized displays with your fellow brothers in the league as often, and as offensive to those who still support racism as possible.  Do as you must with the stage and forum that you are blessed with but don't call the fact that you have an opportunity to play in front of the whole world a part of the problem, because in my opinion - it's not.  

I respect Kyrie Irving's opinion.  I support his right to play or not play in Orlando but I can't agree with him sitting out and not being a part if his goal is truly to take a stand for social justice.

© Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports

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- Anthony Sain - Memphis Grizzlies Beat Writer and Lead Editor For Sports Illustrated's All Grizzlies.com

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Anthony Sain