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In recent news, Phoenix Mercury center Brittney Griner had been detained in Russia for having vape cartridges and cannabis oil in her bag. Upon another recent update, Griner had pleaded guilty. 

Griner now faces up to 10 years in prison, sparking conversation from Lakers forward LeBron James (quotes via The Athletic)

"Now, how can she feel like America has her back? I would be feeling like, 'Do I even want to go back to America?'"

James' quotes would spark controversy of how he truly feels about America. With the amount of traction, James would take to Twitter to clear up what he really meant. 

James wanted to reiterate that he wasn't knocking America, but just wants to bring Griner home and can't imagine the emotions she is going through. Like most Americans, including Griner herself, they are aware she broke a law but they want to bring her back home. 

To further link James, Mercury head coach Vanessa Nygaard expressed her concerns to bring her star player home. Emotions continue to run high for the head coach as she just wants to find a way to bring her star player home (quotes via USA Today)

"If it was LeBron, he'd be home, right? "It's a statement about the value of women. It's a statement about the value of a Black person. It's a statement about the value of a gay person. All of those things. We know it, and so that's what hurts a little more."

Griner has been incarcerated in Russia since February 17th.