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Rainn Wilson Tells Mark Cuban He 'Hates' the Mavs, Wouldn't Attend Game in Dallas

Hollywood actor Rainn Wilson strongly dislikes the Dallas Mavericks.

Hollywood actor Rainn Wilson, who is widely known for his role as Dwight Schrutt on "The Office," strongly dislikes the Dallas Mavericks, but it's unclear why. 

During an episode with podcast host Bobbi Althoff, who once had Mavs minority owner Mark Cuban as a guest, Wilson admitted he had never met Cuban. Althoff called Cuban and passed the phone to Wilson, leading to an exchange between them.

Rainn Wilson

Wilson praised Cuban for his decision to sell the Mavs and bluntly declined Cuban's offer to attend a game in Dallas, expressing his disdain for the team. 

"Honestly, I would love to, but I hate your team, and I wouldn't come to a Dallas game if you paid me," Wilson said. "If you flew me on your private jet and paid me $10,000, I would go see your Dallas Mavericks play."

The cause of Wilson's dislike of the Mavs remains unclear. However, he did voice it in 2011 when he surprised himself by rooting for them during Game 1 of the 2011 NBA Finals when they lost 92-84 to the Miami Heat. 

Cuban sold the Mavs to the Adelson and Dumont families in November 2023 but still owns 27 percent of the franchise. He remains involved in the franchise's basketball operations.