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Study Time - Commanders' Sam Howell Reveals Offseason Plans

It was a rocky first year as starter for Washington Commanders quarterback Sam Howell, and with the offseason now upon him and the team, he's determined to find out where he must improve.

Sam Howell's first season as an NFL starter with the Washington Commanders had everything you would expect. There were some highs (starting 2-0), and there were also some lows as the Commanders finished the year on an eight-game losing streak.

But Washington knew what it was getting into having Howell, who prior to Week 1 of this year had just one regular season start, be "the" guy going forward.

Howell would finish his season throwing for 3,946 yards, 21 touchdowns and 21 interceptions while completing 63.4 percent of his passes.

Now, as the offseason for Howell begins, what are his plans going forward?

“I think the main thing for me is take some time and go back and watch every game from the season just kind of reflect and take a lot of notes,” Howell said. “Just try to find some things that I really want to try and focus on in the offseason, try to get better there for next year. So that's pretty much what I'll do, I'll go back home to Charlotte North Carolina, get with my trainer down there and start getting to work here pretty soon.”


Howell will have some good things on film and some not-so-good things, but that is part and parcel of being a young quarterback in the NFL.

With so much change expected, once Howell does return from his offseason workings, things are likely going to look vastly different. A new head coach will be the biggest change as Commanders' owner Josh wants a quick, yet thorough process when looking for the next leader of the organization.

But for now, with the wounds and shortcomings of the season still fresh, Howell will take some time away, learn, and get better in preparation for preseason.

As Washington holds the No. 2 overall pick, Howell's tenure as starting quarterback has come into question as a draft that is littered with talented quarterbacks looms large with the Commanders in a great position to have their pick of the talent.

That is out of Howell's control and all he can do is focus on himself and his game in a bid to come back better for training camp, and going by his words, he seems determined to build on what was an up-and-down season.