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Ty Law says making HOF was harder because he played for Patriots

The 2019 HOF inductee says weirdly, playing for the Patriots may have made his journey to Canton harder.

Playing for championships and adding those accolades to your resume would seemingly make a case for a players induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame that much easier, right? Ty Law doesn't think so. Well, not in his case anyway.

The former Patriots cornerback talked about that narrative when he joined "The Adam Schefter Podcast" on Monday and was asked at what point in time he knew he could be a Hall of Famer. 

“You know, I think you never because — it was weird," he said. "You look at the numbers, and of course, yes I had the numbers, and you look at the championships, but for whatever reason, and I still think it’s still like that today, is as much winning as we’re continuing to do, it’s like we are looked at as a team. That’s it, like there’s no other players worthy of that, at least from the media perspective when it comes to the Patriots. It’s Tom Brady, Bill Belichick and everybody else, you know what I mean?

"I didn’t know what people thought about me and the rest of us. You pretty much know, Tom Brady is the greatest of all time. There’s no doubt about that. There’s no question about Coach Belichick. When you hear about our team, it was like to me, we have a hell of a lot of players out there that can play. You can’t do it by just two guys. I think we were molded like this through perception in the media that there was probably no other Hall of Fame players outside of that, which now we know was totally wrong. I think that I should be the first of a few more, to be honest with you.”

Law has a point. Especially outside of New England, many people would assume that any success that comes from the Patriots is because of Tom Brady or Bill Belichick, and any success from other players and coaches on the team are a direct result of either of them playing a hand in it.

Law has been out of the league for 10 years and is just now being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Keep in mind, a player can be considered for the HOF after they have been retired for five years.