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Crosby Understands the Flexibility of the Edge Rusher

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby plays the position his own way, with pieces from those who came before him mixed in.
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One of the things that makes Las Vegas Raiders edge rusher Maxx Crosby one of the best at his position is his ability to make his game his own.

His craft is a mold of technique he's picked up from individuals throughout his years as a football player.

Crosby and some of the best pass rushers in the league are able to do this when they come together at future Hall-of-Fame linebacker Von Miller's annual Pass Rush Summit.

Crosby attended the event last weekend for what was his third time participating.

The two-time Pro Bowler discussed the significance of the summit when he sat down with Miller for a recording of the Buffalo Bills' linebacker's podcast, "The Voncast."

"Honestly, the craziest part about it ... you would think Von Miller, you're just going to be coaching everybody," Crosby said. "When I first started getting in the pass rush -- I didn't start playing D-end until my senior year -- and one of my coaches told me, he was like: 'Every rusher's different.' And you were one of the names mentioned. Like, 'You probably can't do what Von Miller can do.' And certain guys can't do what I can do. And I can't do what Chandler Jones does. But if you can get one or two things from those guys and apply it to your game, you can steal an extra two, three, four sacks every year. 

"And just being around the guys last year, like being around D-Ware [DeMarcus Ware], who's -- you know him more than me -- he's an absolute legend, and guys like Cam Jordan and Justin Houston. Justin Houston has 120, what, almost 120 sacks now? And he's still balling. He had another double-digits sack year. So just having a guy like that in the room talking to a lot of younger guys. And for me, last year, like me being able to pick his brain with Chandler, it was incredible. So yeah, and it's just a testament, man. It builds that foundation that you want in the league."

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