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From Raiders Training Camp: DE Maxx Crosby

The Las Vegas Raiders are into their third week of training camp, and today defensive end Maxx Crosby spoke, and we have his entire comments for you.

HENDERSON, Nev.--The Las Vegas Raiders have opened their 2023 NFL Training Camp, and rookie defensive end Maxx Crosby took to the podium to address the media.

You can watch his entire comments below and read the transcript:

 Defensive End Maxx Crosby 

Q: It was interesting today, when the offense was on, the entire defense were cheerleaders, and when you guys were out there the offense was. It seems like last year was learning, this year it just seems to be more of a team. Do you notice that? 

Crosby: "Yeah, obviously it's only August, so things are going well right now, but it's an everyday process. But yeah, I think we're going in the right direction. We have guys playing for each other, and at the end of the day, it's a player's game. We do it, we're the ones out there, we've got to be at our best, and when it really comes down to it, we're the ones getting things done, so we've all got to be on the same page. It comes down to every single one of us and the coaches' trust in us, and Pat [Patrick Graham] and Josh [McDaniels] and all them have been preaching that, like it's all about us. So, we've got to go out there, it doesn't matter who the opponent is. We've all got to be on the same page and fly around and have fun and just don't think, just go." 

Q: I know you mentioned that it is only August, but it's pretty much every day the defense is doing something, making plays on balls, getting interceptions, especially on that back end. Are you feeling that? I mean, are you kind of picking up on some of the stuff that's happening that might be a little bit different than what has happened in the past? 

Crosby: "No question. Obviously, bringing Marcus Peters in, he's an elite ballhawk, and you can see that every single day. I think he got another pick today. He's just one of those guys that's super sticky and he has great instincts. And then you've got [Marcus] Epps, you've got T-Mo [Tre'von Moehrig], those two are just on the same page at all times. And then you've got a young guy like Jakorian [Bennett] coming in and getting first team reps, and he's got no choice. You've got three great players out there, you've got to step up and show up. So, I just love what they're doing on the back end. They're getting confidence together, they're growing, and it bleeds down through whole defense. I think obviously it starts up front. We bring pressure, and the quarterback can't hold the ball up. So, DBs know that, and they're breaking and not thinking or second guessing themselves, so it all goes together. And like I said, you can't leave out the linebackers either. [Robert] Spillane is a freaking dog, he's going crazy. You've got a [Divine] Deablo, [Luke] Masterson, all those guys. they're playing hard and getting better and better. So, it's exciting." 

Q: There was one time in a team drills when Jimmy [Garopollo] hit Hunter Renfrow over the middle and then he hit [Austin] Hooper for a touchdown. You were very excited on the sideline. What's your excitement level for the offense and Jimmy Garoppolo and just what they're putting together right now? 

Crosby: "I love it. Jimmy [Garoppolo] is getting better, better and better. The guy, like you said, he's coming off an injury, it's not just going to happen overnight. But Jimmy's confidence has been only growing, and you've seen that today, the last two days to be honest. So, he's just getting better and he just trusting himself, and that's really what it comes down to. It's a mental game. Everybody is talented in the NFL, but your mentality has got to be elite to be a great player. So, Jimmy is getting better and better and I'm super hype for him." 

Q: You had different guys kind of flash today. Different guys are practicing D-line. What's your sense of the depth of the D-line this year, and what did you see today from some of your guys? 

Crosby: "I love it. I feel like collectively up front we were getting after it. We're trying to set the tone every single day. It starts with us up front. You've got guys all around flying, and when you have a standard, you can't just be sitting in the back waiting to make plays or waiting for the next guy or taking plays off, like there's none of that. So, we have 18 guys I think in the D-line room, and it's an open competition. Everybody is getting better and competing and growing. So, it's super exciting to see, not only with the vets, but the younger guys as well. They want to play, they want to get better. You could just see the guys are just rolling in and getting after it." 

Q: What did you get from all of those reps against Trent Williams today? 

Crosby: "Oh, I love it. Me and Trent [Williams] had some great reps today, we were getting after it and we were chopping it up after as well. He's best in the game, so me and him, we had a couple of one-ones and a couple team reps against each other, and that's what it's all about. I want to go against the best, like we talked about. I want to be the best in the league. I know he's literally the best in the league. So yeah, just being able to get those reps and get better is what football is about." 

Q: Do you often have like an open conversation about tips and how to play against each other’s position. Did you have that type of conversation with him? 

Crosby: "Oh yeah, for sure. We were talking about my second one-on-one where I did like an outside spin to a power and he was like, 'I don't even know what the hell you're doing. I thought you're going to go power then it turned to a spin,' he was like: 'I just grabbed.' But that's what it's about, just really having that dialogue, because like I said, the guy's going into year 14. He's gone against everybody, he's played at an elite level for years and years and years. So, I can learn from him, he could learn from me and that's really what it's all about. Once you get to that level, you're just trying to find that 1 percent you can get better at. So yeah, it was a ton of fun." 

Q: Nesta Jade Silvera, seventh round pick, but feels like his presence is being felt out there? 

Crosby: "Hell, yeah. Nesta [Jade Silvera] is a dog. He's getting after it, I love it. Since the first day he came in, he had the attitude, you can just tell like he's hungry. And he's just getting better and better. When you're a young guy -- I told literally all the rookies when they came in -- technique is one thing, but you can't coach effort, you can't coach attitude, you can't coach the little things, the little things you see on film: the flying to the ball, the heart, all those little things. And Nesta's one of those guys you can see it clear as day. Obviously, he's got things to clean up, obviously he has room for improvement just like all of us. He's a rookie, but the way you stand out is flying to the ball, being mean, having an attitude, and he's one of those guys. He's plays violent, he's getting better as a rusher, he's getting better against the run. He's able to do a lot of things, so I love what he's doing. I think he's going to be a big time player for us." 

Q: Do you have any favorite plays by the defense that happened today that got you guys fired up? 

Crosby: "Honestly, there's a ton you could point to. I think we were active, getting TFLs, getting sacks. And also Marcus Peters, him getting a pick, seeing Amik [Robertson] getting PBUs -- just seeing guys all around the field making plays that's what it's really all about and just having that swagger. That's what it's all about. I try to preach that to everybody. You can't go out there and talk about confidence but be quiet on the field. You've got to just be yourself. You know what I mean? And I tell the coaches that all the time. Sometimes they're like: 'Chill out.' And I'm like: 'No, this is us.' This is our identity, this is different. We're not going to be what we were in the past. We're going to be what we are now, and that's a confident defense that's going to fly around. We're super excited about the direction we're going."  

Q: What do you remember about your pre-draft interview with them? Think Kyle Shanahan's word was that they were [expletive] to you? 

Crosby: "Yeah, that's actually funny. I talked to him on the field. It was after one of the plays. I made a play and I was hype, and I'm talking shit to Kyle [Shanahan] and he was laughing at me. And I went up to him after the play and he was like: 'Yeah, man. I feel like an asshole about our interview we had with you in 2019.' And I remember it because Kris Kocurek was in there, John Lynch and Shanahan, and I feel like -- it's nothing against them -- I feel like every single team that I interviewed with didn't take me seriously. I could name every team if I want, but I'm not going to do that. But Kyle Shanahan is an incredible coach. The dude is literally one of the best play callers in the game, so I've got a massive amount of respect for him. We played against them last year, and they gave me all type of looks and all different type of things, and that's what we're talking about today as well. Just what he does is definitely unique, and I've got nothing but respect for him. That's the past. I remember everything, trust me. I remember all those interviews, but that's what makes me who I am today, because at the end of the day, I carry every little scar. I won't talk about a lot of it, but I keep everything noted from literally everything just to keep me going." 

Q: So what can you tell us in more detail about that meeting? 

rosby: "Oh, it was a great meeting. Honestly, I remember [Kris] Korcurek was in there going through the meeting, and he was like: 'ALRIGHT!' He was yelling, but not mad, you know what I mean? His energy was crazy, but in a good way. And I liked that, because I'm used to it. Literally from a kid, my dad, he was loud. My college coach, I had [Rod] Marinelli -- all those coaches are loud and proud, so Kocurek, he was cool. But the meeting was unique, and it just was what it was. But I love the way they coach over there. Obviously, [Kyle] Shanahan and those guys, Kris Kocurek and John Lynch, they have a great organization. It's no surprise that they're doing good things." 

Q: You mentioned guys playing mean. Greg Van Roten seems to have a little Richie Incognito in him, a little bit of mean. Do you see that?

 Crosby: "There's only one Richie Incognito, I'll say that. But he's doing great. He's doing a great job. There's different types of levels of mean, but yeah, he's a stud. He's obviously played a long time in the league, hard-nosed guy, and he's coming in and earning first team reps and second team reps, and it's good for him to see. The more depth we have, the better. So yeah, fired up for him." 

Q: You mentioned Jimmy Garoppolo's mindset, his confidence, his collectiveness, how cool we can be on the field. How important was that for the team, not just the offense, but the team being that that position had the transition from last year? 

Crosby: "Jimmy [Garoppolo], he's done a hell of a job. Obviously, it's hard. Like I said, he's come back from injury as a guy who's running the show, it's not easy coming back from a foot injury, dealing with all that, dealing with coming to a new team, learning a new system, but he's just the same guy every single day. That's what I respect most about him. We're in there, I see him in the training room, in the tubs, everything and he's always got a positive mindset, he's always looking to improve, and you just see it over camp. Early on a lot of people were giving him a lot of shit, and it doesn't matter to him. He came out these last two days, he's been incredible. So, he's only getting better, he's going to keep improving, and I'm super fired up for him. He's a great leader and a great guy to have around." 

Q: Another guy that's kind of starting to make some noise is Adam Plant. He's on the edge with you, what do you think about him so far? 

Crosby: "Yeah, he's doing well. Like I said, all these rookies are coming in hungry. And we have 18 guys. At the end of the day, I told them from day one I was like, 'Listen, we're all in this together, but this is an open competition. Everyone's fighting for a job. You're not going to have eighteen guys on the roster.' So, everyone's coming in trying to prove a point, trying to prove their worth and that's all you can ask for. Adam [Plant], all those guys, Byron Young today too -- that dude is a beast and he's getting better and better. You just see all these young guys coming along. So, it's exciting." 

Q: It seems like Malcolm Koonce is getting some more opportunity as of late. What sort of growth have you seen from him over this short period so far? 

Crosby: "Yeah, Malcolm [Koonce], he's got all the ability in the world. The dude, he's got the bend speed, he's got power. It's just exciting to see him get after it and just earn more and more reps. For our team to be where we want to go, Malcolm has got to step up and be at his best. So, I'm constantly pushing him, Robbie [Robert Spillane] is constantly pushing him, everybody's pushing him, but he's responding great. And he's had an awesome camp, and I'm fired up for him." 

Q: This is your fifth year in the league now I believe. How anxious are you for the Raiders to be a contender this year? 

Crosby: "For me, I just worry about the day. I'm worried about getting better today, and then tomorrow when it gets here, I'm worried about that. Every single day, I come in here, I think about winning. I don't do this year-round to come in and not make the playoffs. I'm sick of that shit, and I want to keep winning. I want to get back to the playoffs. I want to be in Cincinnati on the road in a hostile environment. That's why I play the game, that's why work the way I work. I come here and I do this all year. Like I said, I want to win championships. I want to be at the top of the game. I want to be the No. 1 guy, regardless of the position, and I work for that every single day. So yeah, I'm fired up for this organization. I love all the people in here, and I'm really just trying to be my best version of myself and lead by example." 

Q: Maxx, when you talked about being the best player at the position. Yourself and Nick Bosa get mentioned in that. Do you feel like you share any similarities with him as a player? You guys both are kind of known for being relentless. 

Crosby: "Yeah, obviously me and Nick [Bosa] are much different. He's a totally different type of player, but we have a lot of similarities. We know how to get to the quarterback and know how to be disruptive and wreck games. And Nick has consistently done that since he's gotten in the league. I've got a massive amount of respect for him. Me and Nick are good friends. We text often, we text during the season and just to kind of check in and watch each other's film, and that's what it's really all about. Nick is a hell of a player. He inspires me. So yeah, I try to be the best. I know Nick wants to be the best. So, I love that competition, that's what it's all about. But at the end of the day, I worry about myself. My biggest competitor is myself. I look myself in the mirror every morning, and I challenge myself to get better and there's no harder critic than myself. So, there's nothing anybody else can say or do that can get under my skin because I'm my hardest critic at the end of the day." 

Q: Bilal Nichols said the champion of the defensive line room of shooting things into the trashcan. I can't imagine that sits well with you. 

Crosby: "Hell, no. I'm Kobe. He might be like a Brandon Ingram or something. No offense, but there are levels." 

Q: Your goal is the Super Bowl every year, but being in Las Vegas this season, the first time the Raiders hosted at their stadium, how special is that? And is there a little extra juice for that? 

Crosby: "Obviously, we would love to play in the Super Bowl in our hometown. But we're worried about the now, just getting better, improving. That'll be here in February. We've got a ton of work to do. So, we're fired up." 

Q: You just mentioned that you're obviously your biggest critic. So, how do you feel about what you did today? Do you feel good about how things went the first day of joint practice? 

Crosby: "Hell, yeah. Hell, yeah. It was exciting. I was on a little pitch count, but I was able to get some reps and make a lot of plays. That's what it's all about. It was a ton of fun. So yeah, got to be better tomorrow, keep improving and just keep going in the direction I'm going, because I feel great, healthy, and just excited. Seeing all the guys fly around, we're playing as a team, and it's the best time of year man." 

The Silver and Black open the preseason by hosting the San Francisco 49ers on Sunday, Aug. 13, at 4 p.m. EDT/1 p.m. PDT.

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