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'Mickey Mouse BS!' Ravens Ripped for Lamar Jackson Media Issue

The Baltimore Ravens did not want to entertain questions on Lamar Jackson at their pre-draft press conference and Myles Simmons of PFT wasn't impressed.

The Lamar Jackson contract saga continues to play out in the public space, and the Baltimore Ravens are copping heat from every direction.

But none more so than from Pro Football Talk's Myles Simmons. After the Ravens held a pre-draft press conference, questions about Jackson's future would come up naturally.

But the Ravens refused to answer any of them, and how the press conference played out has Simmons seething.

"Mickey Mouse bs," said Simmons via on what he thought of the Ravens pre-draft press conference. "It's something that I don't really expect from the Ravens organization, which I think we regard pretty highly in NFL circles. This isn't just one of the best-run organizations we like to think in the NFL but in all of sport.

"I mean, you got somebody in John Harbaugh who has been there forever, Eric DeCosta has been a part of the front office forever, they understand how to answer questions. The only story that matters between now until it's resolved is Lamar Jackson. But to be "we got to ask questions about the draft" as if they are going to sit there and reveal their draft plans, come on, that's Mikey Mouse stuff. That's not something that's becoming of the Ravens. I expect better from them."

​With the Ravens organization no closer to an agreement with Jackson over a contract and the non-exclusive franchise tag has yet to be signed, Baltimore could be looking at contingencies in the draft.

With a host of quarterbacks expected to be taken in the early rounds, Baltimore could select one as the dark cloud regarding Jackson's future remains.

But Baltimore's bizarre stance on not entertaining questions about Lamar's future is odd and perhaps perfectly encapsulates what is going on with the organization right now.

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