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Dr. Fauci's Optimism is Great News for College Football

Director of NIAID since 1984, Dr. Fauci is optimistic that schools will reopen in the fall. Which is good news for football fans.

We've all wondered whether or not college football will be played this fall. With the return day seemingly being pushed back further and further and even some colleges keeping students off campuses even through the summer, there's been growing concern that the football season might be delayed or even compromised as a whole. 

Well, Dr. Anthony Fauci has optimism that schools will be able to re-open starting in the fall. Saying: 

"Bottom line is, no absolute prediction, but I think we're going to be in good shape. By the time we get to the fall... we will have this under control enough that it certainly will not be the way it now where people are shutting schools. It's going to be different, remember now, because this is not going to disappear." 

So, for all of you parents out there that are about ready to pull your hair out because your kids are at home driving you crazy, things may return to a semblance of normal by the time the fall rolls around. 

And if schools are opening their doors, perhaps the colleges will as well and football will be able to return to action this fall. Fauci did say however that he's an optimist, and things are still obviously unknown for the most part at this point. However, even if it isn't exactly the normal college football we are used to seeing. Even if there are not ninety-two thousand screaming fans packed inside of Sanford Stadium. At least there seems to be light at the end of this tunnel. 

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