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Skull and Bones Friend Referral Program: How to Get Free Rewards

Want some free rewards just for playing Skull and Bones with friends? Check this guide out, me scallywags.

Looking for some free rewards in Skull and Bones? All you have to do is invite some friends to join you on your next seafaring adventure thanks to the Friend Referral Program. Here's everything you need to know if you want some sweet rewards just for gaming with friends. 

What Is the Skull and Bones Friend Referral Program?

Are you a fan of this swashbuckling action game? If you recommend Skull and Bones to friends and they sign up and play it, you'll both earn some in-game rewards. 

After you buy the game, head to the Ubisoft website and you'll receive a code to send to your friend. If they buy any edition of the game through the invite you sent, you will both be eligible for rewards. 

You can only send one invite to an individual friend at a time. 

Two ships battle on the high seas of Skull and Bones.

Two ships battle on the high seas of Skull and Bones.

How to Get the Skull and Bones Friend Referral Program Rewards

The rewards you get from the Friend Referral program depend on the number of friends that join you in your ocean-bound adventures through your referral code. Here are the rewards you can get: 

  • 1 Friend: Resource Pack (Water Flask, Acacia Plank, Cast Iron Ingot, and Fine Jute) and the On Your Grave emote
  • 2 Friends: The Murky Deep hull color
  • 3 Friends: The Luring Lurker sail color
  • 4 Friends: Rake and Rip sail pattern
  • 5 Friends: The Angler emblem

To receive these rewards, you have to send an invite. Your friend then has to purchase Skull and Bones on any platform through your link. Then, your friend needs to sink two ships. 

Once your friend does this, they will be eligible for the first tier of rewards, which is hte Resource Pack and On Your Grave emote.