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Onna Claims Breakaway Horse of the Year Title

Shelby Biosjoli's sorrel mare she calls "Onna" has won the prestigious WPRA Horse of the Year title for the second time.

Most competitors that have won the prestigious WPRA Horse of the Year award will tell you winning the award means almost as much as winning a gold buckle. Especially for athlete's that have raised and trained their own horse. 

It takes a special horse to compete at such a high level, many don't make the cut.

Although every horse at this level is above average, most people do not truly understand just how much of an advantage it is for competitors to compete on the top-tier athletes in the industry. 

The horse of the year award recognizes the horses that stand out from all the others in the field. The equine athletes that have stayed steady, solid, and gritty all year, even after being on the road for months. 

The award is voted on by fellow competitors, making the honor even more sincere for winners.

Shelby Boisjoli's leads the march into the National Finals Breakaway Roping early December and broke the regular season earnings record this year aboard her sorrel mare she calls, "Onna."

Eight-year-old "No Wimpy Turns" has previously won this award in 2021. She is by Whiz N Starlight and out of a Whimpys Little Step mare.

Boisjoli and husband Haven Meged train horses in Stephenville, TX when they are not out on the road. Boisjoli trained "Onna" and gives her credit for her success this year.

"She has not only made me the roper I am" Boisjoli says, "but she has made me a better person and taught me more than I could ever teach her." Boisjoli states in a recent social media post. 

"She has so much confidence that I am able to feed off her, and when it comes down to the stressful situations, she thrives."