Top 10 sophomores in San Diego Section high school boys basketball

With the 2019-2020 high school boys basketball season over, Scorebook Live's Bodie DeSilva breaks down the top sophomores (class of 2022) in San Diego.
Top 10 sophomores in San Diego Section high school boys basketball
Top 10 sophomores in San Diego Section high school boys basketball /

With the 2019-2020 high school boys basketball season over, Scorebook Live California reporter Bodie DeSilva breaks down the top sophomores (class of 2022) in San Diego.

(The list is in alphabetical order.)


Devon Arlington - G - San Marcos HS

Devon Arlington San Marcos

Vincent Berlucchi - F - Santa Fe Christian School

Vincent Berlucchi

Vinny Ferrari - G - Francis Parker School

Vinny Ferrari Francis Parker

James Hapgood - G - La Jolla Country Day School

James Hapgood

Toby Harris - G - Carlsbad HS

Otto Landrum - F - Torrey Pines HS

Otto Landrum Torrey Pines

Jaden Lebel - G - Foothills Christian HS

Jaden Lebel

Alexis Marmolejos - G - Army Navy Academy

Alexis Marmolejos Army Navy

Camden McCormick - G - Francis Parker School

Camden McCormick

Vinny Signorelli - G - Christian HS

Vinny Signorelli
