Mason Landdeck Zillah Q/A
Mason Landdeck Zillah Junior @landdeck1323 Do you have a pregame ritual? Listen to some Lil Baby What aspect of basketball brings you the most joy? Being

Mason Landdeck
- Do you have a pregame ritual?
Listen to some Lil Baby
- What aspect of basketball brings you the most joy?
Being around my teammates and enjoy playing basketball at high competition
- If you could have dinner with one celebrity, who would it be?
My guy Damian Lillard
- Who is the best dancer on your team?
Ben Kibbe. His cupid shuffle is unreal
- What is your favorite professional basketball team?
Portland Trailblazers
- Who is your celebrity crush?
Selena Gomez
- Who would you like to trade places with for one day and why?
I would like to trade places with an NBA coach to see how hard it is and what duties they have as a head coach
- What are your aspirations as a player?
Do whatever it takes for me and my team to win and accomplish the goals that we set