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Mets Linked To Red Sox Star To Help Bolster Bullpen In Possible Trade

It sounds like a trade could be on the horizon involving the Mets and Red Sox

The New York Mets could use some help in the bullpen this offseason.

New York still has some work to do this offseason and luckily for the club there still are intriguing players available. The Mets have been linked to both free agents as well as possible trade targets.

The latest rumblings have linked the Mets to Boston Red Sox star closer Kenley Jansen in a possible trade, according to's Sean McAdam.

"In theory, the Mets should be set at the back end of their bullpen with Edwin Díaz expected back following knee surgery after last spring’s (World Baseball Classic)," McAdam said. "But Díaz's injury is a reminder of how important bullpen depth can be and it wouldn’t be the worst thing to have an alternative on hand should Díaz run into complications.

"And if there’s a team that isn’t concerned with payroll issues or the luxury tax, it’s the Mets."

New York has Díaz locked into the closer role but if the club could land Jansen, the two stars would form a fearsome duo. Jansen could take the eighth inning while Díaz claims the ninth. 

Both hurlers have been stars and immediately would give the Mets a chance to have one of the best bullpens in baseball. New York still has plenty of work to do and could get a trade done with Boston if it saw fit. The Red Sox are trying to cut salary so it likely wouldn't cost much to land the four-time All-Star.