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Los Angeles Chargers quarterback Justin Herbert battled through injuries last season and yet still got his team into the playoffs. Herbert suffered a labrum injury in his left shoulder that was kept under wraps most of the year but it seems to be progressing well. 

While the season didn't end the way that the team hoped, Herbert showed toughness and that he could be that guy going forward for the team. LA decided to bring in a new offensive coordinator this offseason in Kellen Moore to try and get the offense going a little more and so far, the pairing has been great. Moore gave some insight into the offseason rehab for Herbert.

The pairing of Herbert and Moore seems to be a great one. The two compliment each other well and despite it only being a few months together, it's going great. Moore spoke about how it's been to work with Herbert so far.

"He’s been awesome, awesome to work with. He’s been a ton of fun just collaborating on this thing. When you step on the field, you certainly see the physical ability."

This is great news for the Chargers as they need Moore and Herbert locked in sync together. If LA wants to achieve their ultimate goal of winning a Super Bowl, things need to be in order.

The Chargers have one of the more talented squads across the NFL with Herbert leading the charge. LA should have no issue getting to playoffs but it won't be easy as the AFC is loaded. This is a make or break year for them this season otherwise there could be drastic measures taken from the front office.