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Sean McVay Raves About Rams' 'Energized, Excited' Youth

The Los Angeles Rams have one of the NFL's youngest rosters, but coach Sean McVay sees that as more of a blessing than a curse

The Los Angeles Rams are entering the 2023 season with a very different roster in more ways than one.

Yes, the Rams parted ways with many of their key players like cornerback Jalen Ramsey and linebacker Leonard Floyd, but in the process of doing so, they've also become much, much younger. In fact, the Rams now have the second-youngest roster in the entire league after cuts with an average age of 25.3, per Philly Voice. The only team with a younger roster than the Rams is the Green Bay Packers with an average age of 25.

Of course, having such a young roster has its drawbacks. However, coach Sean McVay sees the Rams' youth movement as more of a positive than a negative.

"There are some different ways that you can kind of find that youth, but I think there's been a great compliment of guys that are youthful, they're energized, they're excited, they're really just looking to see, alright, what do these guys do to be able to kind of follow their lead? It's been a fun team and I think you guys are going to see these guys continue to improve throughout the course of the season," McVay told reporters Friday.

Sean McVay

While the Rams have been more of a veteran team in recent years, this isn't McVay's first time with a more youthful roster. When he first arrived in 2017, the Rams were one of the youngest teams in the league and the literal youngest in each of the five proceeding seasons.

The Rams still aren't completely devoid of veteran presence. Quarterback Matthew Stafford, 35, defensive tackle Aaron Donald, 32, and other vets are still around to help guide the young guns. According to McVay, that leadership has already begun to rub off on the younger players.

"I think one of the greatest things you can say about leaders is they elevate situations they're a part of and the people that they're around. You bring people with you and I think you can see that reflected in the guys that were voted captain and I don't think it's exclusive to those eight guys."

The Rams may be in for some growing pains as they begin the youth movement, but it seems they've taken the first steps towards truly embracing it.