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All Hope is Not Lost for Georgia

While the SECCG may not have gone the way that Georgia was hoping, the Bulldogs still sit where they had hoped to be before the 2021 season. In the College football playoffs.

Before the 2021 season began back in September of this year, Georgia had their minds set on making the College Football Playoff. 

There were multiple avenues the Bulldogs could have taken to get to this point in this season, but the main goal was to see the Georgia logo revealed when the final four teams were selected for the CFP.

That goal was accomplished. 

Though Georgia, and its passionate supporters, are certainly still left with this bad taste in their mouth. Coming up short against Alabama yet again and what feels like a missed opportunity to finish them while they were down and finally get over the Bama hurdle. Regardless, there are still some positives to take away from Saturday and the ultimate goal of winning a national title is still in play. 

The current focus for Georgia is taking care of the task at hand which is preparing for their semi-final matchup against the Michigan Wolverines on December 31st. The Bulldogs may not be in the most ideal situation. Certainly, a national title path that consists of beating Michigan and Alabama looks a bit more difficult than one that sees you face Notre Dame and say Cincinnati. 

Though the most important thing is that they remain in a position to win the national title and the goals that they had set at the beginning of the season are still intact. 

Perhaps a loss was what this Georgia team needed. The Bulldogs have officially hit their lowest low of the season, right before the playoffs begin. Prior to Saturday, it had been over a year since the Bulldogs experienced a loss, and maybe that was something this team needed to feel again. 

If you listen to head coach Kirby Smart since the loss, he's been extremely forthcoming about the "wake-up call" he felt this would be, seeing players rededicated to correcting their mistakes and being what the calls "sponges." 

The next three weeks will be important for Georgia to reassess themselves and get their minds prepared for the most important two games of the season. 

Every team starts the season off in hopes of making the college football playoff. For some those hopes dissipate within the first couple of weeks, others hit their wall midway through the season, and some watch their playoff hopes slip out of their grasp just a couple of weeks away from the final selection show. Georgia did everything necessary to make the final cut, it is now all about finishing the drill and taking advantage of the opportunity put before them. 

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