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Brent Venables Knows There's a Long Road Ahead to Take Oklahoma to the Next Level

The new Sooners coach said the step from good to great is the hardest one to take, and the team must be focused on taking care of every detail daily to get there.

NORMAN — Taking over at Oklahoma means you’re never really starting over from scratch.

When Brent Venables agreed to return to Norman in December, the cupboards weren’t exactly barren.

Sure, OU’s new head man immediately had to get to work re-recruiting the players still on the roster as well as hitting the transfer portal, but the building blocks of a good football team were already in place.

But at Oklahoma, good isn’t good enough.

The Sooners haven’t sat atop college football since 2000, the longest spell without a National Championship since Oklahoma first were crowned kings of the sport

And while it won’t be held against Venables if he doesn’t beat the odds and capture the program’s eighth title in Year 1, OU’s new head coach understands just how hard it is to go from really good to the best in the sport.

“We’re trying to take it to another level,” Venables said during a press conference on Tuesday. “We’re trying to take this program from good to great. That’s a big step. It takes a lot of intention and a lot of purpose to get that.”

Todd Bates-Brent Venables practice 3
FB - Brent Venables, Cale Gundy, 2022 Spring Practice
FB - Justin Harrington, Brent Venables

That’s where Venables’ attention to detail comes in.

Even though he’s a first-time head coach, Venables’ three decades of experience has prepared him to set his team up for success. He’s already implemented the S.O.U.L. Mission to help the players out off the field with the hope that they’ll be able to step into each practice with a clear mind ready to get better.

“I tell the guys all the time… We got to show up with purpose,” Venables said. “You can go through the motions all you want. Most people go through life, they just go through the motions.

“… We’re not satisfied. The best of the best programs are always getting better. They’re forward-thinking and they’re progressive and they’re innovative and they’re never satisfied.”

Taking the next step as a team toward greatness is a lofty goal, but the process to get there happens on a much smaller scale, defensive tackles coach Todd Bates said.

“I think it’s the little things,” Bates said. “… I think to go from good to great, it starts with caring more and doing more and being that guy that’s always looking for work.

“It can’t ever be good enough. You’ve got to always be trying to be your best version. One day, you’ll look up and you will be where you want to be.”

OU’s next opportunity to improve will come on Saturday.

The annual Spring Game will serve as the new coaching staff’s only opportunity to evaluate the play of the team in front of a packed crowd and a stadium buzzing with the excitement of a new regime and seeing a legend enshrined in Heisman Park.

But none of those Heisman Trophy winners will be stepping onto the field with the Sooners on Saturday or at any point this fall.

To add to the winning history of the program and get back to the top, Venables said the team will have to attack every day from now until the end of the season with the same intensity. The Sooners won’t win any games, Venables said, by just being Oklahoma.

“I told them (Tuesday) morning,” Venables said. “We’re not entitled to have a great practice today. We’re not entitled to have a great team this year. We’re not entitled to win.

“I know Coach Switzer saying we invented championships. I get that. We’ve won more than anybody for a long time. But we’re not entitled to win in the future. We’ve got to put the work in every day. And everybody has a part at every level, coaches, administrators, players, fans, supporters. We’ve got a lot of work to do.”

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