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South Carolina Emerging as Prominent Recruiting Brand

Constantly this offseason, South Carolina has been mentioned in numerous top prospects shortened recruiting lists, a sign of new times.

Over the past three years, South Carolina's recruiting class ranks have jumped each year significantly. In addition to landing some of the most elite prospects in high school football, South Carolina is consistently listed in the shortened lists recruits offer as they near their official announcement. 

This new trend indicates a shift in recruiting, which has thrust South Carolina into an elite group of college football programs.

If one thing has been evident over the past few years, head coach Shane Beamer and the rest of the coaching staff are dedicated to recruiting and landing America's finest. Whether it is Beamer climbing a tree on FaceTime or the entirety of the coaching staff making an in-home visit with a recruit, the efforts to entice these young stars are already paying dividends.

Recruits notice everything a coaching staff presents a player, and these prospects seem to enjoy what they see from South Carolina. Traditionally, recruits shorten their lists, and only teams like Alabama, Michigan, Ohio State, Oregon, and other schools of that caliber seem to remain. This is no longer the case, as we continuously see top recruits give South Carolina unprecedented attention to the program.

Though South Carolina isn't necessarily landing every top prospect that has narrowed their list, the fact that the Gamecocks even remain in most lists is genuinely remarkable. If all continues, South Carolina should dominate the hunt for five stars along with the best programs in the country.

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