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USC Yanks Hype Video And Apologizes

Mike Bohn apologizes for lack of judgement
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Well, that was quick.

The much-ballyhooed hype video USC put out Thursday was pulled off social media on Friday by athletic director Mike Bohn.

"In retrospect, the themes and timing of the video were out of step, especially given the challenges everyone is facing today," Bohn said in a statement below.

I pointed out yesterday that it was a problem showing people with no masks and no social distancing in a movie theater and pool party.

Now all the media who praised the video yesterday will go silent on whether it was appropriate during a pandemic. 

USC is trying so hard to be hip that the adults in the room are letting everything run wild.

And the fawning media plays along.

Is it because everything this stuff is the athletic dept.'s idea of what is "innovative" because they really have no idea?