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Three Strikes LTM Guide for Post Malone x Apex Legends Event

Post Malone's Three Strikes LTM is here! These are the best Legends to run in the new Apex Legends Limit-Timed Mode!

Apex Legends x Post Malone Event, Three Strikes LTM, Best Legends and Tips

  • The best Legends to use for Post Malone’s Three Strike LTM are Lifeline, Newcastle, Mirage and Gibraltar for their extra perks while reviving teammates.
  • The Three Strikes LTM in the Apex Legends x Post Malone Event will be available for players for two weeks, ending on November 21st.
  • Other good Legends to pair with great revive characters are Conduit, Loba and Bangalore.

With the release of the Apex Legends x Post Malone Event, players have been treated to the Three Strikes Limited-Time Mode. This is the second hit LTM for players following Halloween’s Tricks N’ Treats mode.

Players are having a great time with some pros even suggesting that it should be a permanent fixture of the game. Whether or not Respawn Entertainment keeps Three Strikes LTM around in Apex Legends after the Post Malone event or not, here are a few tips to keep your squad alive and make it to the champion screen.

Three Strikes LTM Rules

There are some important rules to remember when you’re playing Three Strikes LTM because it changes how you should approach playing Apex Legends compared to Trios, Duos or Ranked.

Downed Players Are Immune to Death. This means when a player is knocked, they cannot die. You can’t finish them, you can’t thirst them and they will not bleed out. The only way to box an opponent in Three Strikes is to take out the entire team.

You Get Three Strikes. Even if your entire team gets boxed, the game isn’t over. This is where Three Strikes comes in, your entire squad has to be killed three times in total for you to be sent back to the lobby. The only time this isn’t true is in the final rounds of the game, you’ll get an alert that Strikes have been disabled, at that point if your whole team goes down. You’re out.

You Keep All Your Gear. When your third member goes down, you’ll respawn in the air in mid-dive. You’ll have all of your gear including your EVO Shield, Guns and Attachments, Meds and Shields, Ammo and Grenades. It’s important to remember this, because you could drop right back into the action but if you’re short on ammo you might want to try somewhere to re-stock before seeking out a fight.

Revives Are Nearly Instant. This is one of the big factors that changes how the game is played. When you revive a character it takes less than 1 second to get them back up. So reviving mid-fight, even in the open, can sometimes be a clutch play. It’s also the reason why Legends like Lifeline, Mirage and others are so clutch during the Three Strikes LTM.

The Three Strikes LTM in the Apex Legends x Post Malone Event encourages fast paced action and aggression.

Rules at a glance for the Three Strikes LTM.

Best Legends for Three Strikes LTM

There are certain Legends who shine very bright in the Apex Legends x Post Malone event for Three Strikes LTM. Anyone who has a special revive perk are must picks, but there’s also reason to bring certain Legends like Loba, Bangalore and newcomer Conduit.

Lifeline is Queen. Lifeline can do two main things that are invaluable during Three Strikes LTM, she can revive two players at once and she can keep shooting the enemy while she does it. If you can pair Lifeline with a Golden Knockdown Shield, you’re going to give your opponents a very hard time.

Newcastle protects his team. Newcastle has always been a powerful support pick because of his revive shield, which is still very helpful but you revive people so quickly that anyone can do it if they’re not being focused down. In terms of pure reviving, Lifeline is a better choice, but Newcastle still has plenty of great revival options.

Mirage’s cloaking is OP. Whenever Mirage revives an ally, they go invisible and stay invisible for a short period of time unless you take out a gun. Because the revives happen so fast, the invisible lasts longer when you’re up which gives you plenty of time to shield and heal up for a reset.

Gibraltar’s will carry. Gibby’s another great pick for your squad in the Three Strikes LTM. He normally revives faster than other Legends, but that’s negligible in this mode. But being able to toss down a Dome Shield and pop both of your teammates back up quickly and get a cell or two off will be a big boon.

Other Great Legends for Three Strikes LTM

While it may seem like a great idea to just go in with a squad of all reviving support Legends, there are some picks that may bring more utility to your composition. So consider giving these Legends a pick depending on who your other squadmates choose.

Loba will keep you restocked. If you’re dropping back into the action fast you might notice you get low on ammo and meds pretty quickly. Loba is going to help your team stay topped up with everything they need. In final circles, you’ll find your ammo runs out very quickly with 8-10 teams still alive, so giving yourself the edge and starving out the rest of your opponents is a great strategy.

Conduit gives quick shields. Unless someone in your squad found a Gold Knockdown Shield, reviving an ally is still dangerous. Three Strikes does revive you with half health, but you have no shields. Conduit is great for her tactical ability to give someone shields in a pinch so they can join the fight that never seems to stop.

Conduit using her Tactical Ability in Apex Legends Season 19.

Conduit uses her tactical ability to give temporary shields to an ally in Apex Legends.

Wattson protects from grenades. In Three Strikes LTM there are going to be a lot of teams still alive in the final circles and very little places to hide or anchor. Wattson helps protect your spot and her Pylon Ultimate will keep you safe from grenades and other ordnance and help you save on shield cells.

Ballistic has unlimited ammo, sometimes. In a similar vein as Loba, Ballistics Ultimate can help out your team in a pinch with unlimited ammo. He’s a more niche pick, but unlike Loba you won’t have to worry about being vulnerable while you pull ammo from the Black Market.

Fuse breaks bunkers. With so many teams remaining alive in the later circle of the games there will be a lot of teams who are trying to take cover in odd spots. Fuse is going to be a great choice to rain havoc on those teams who won’t have many options but to bear the brunt of his attacks or run into the open and get fried by others.

Bangalore gives great cover. In the Three Strikes LTM, Bangalore is a solid choice for her smoke cover if you need to revive an ally in the open. Her ultimate is also great into final circles for pushing enemies out of hiding.

Tips for Three Strikes LTM in Apex Legends

This Limited-Time Mode for the Apex Legends x Post Malone Event plays a lot differently than regular battle royale mode in Apex Legends. It promotes a more aggressive playstyle, to take bigger risks since there is little punishment for dying unless it’s your third time.

Reviving should be a priority. While you should be staying with your teammates and pushing hard and trying to get knocks, you should also prioritize reviving. With revives taking less than 1 second to do, if you have a choice between reviving or healing yourself…get the revive. You can revive two teammates in the time it takes to pop one shield cell.

Baiting revives is risky. To finish a team you need to get the knocks. It might seem like a good idea to try and bait out a revive, but be careful because if they get the revive off now you’ve got to re-knock two. If you decide to bait a revive, try to get a shield cell off but be ready to cancel if you get pushed.

Don’t be afraid to run away and wait. This might seem counter to what we mentioned about staying aggressive. But with teams constantly respawning and rejoining the fight, this Three Strikes LTM is third-party non-stop. Sometimes there is no chance to revive your teammates…at least not in the action. You can always run away, get out of the fight and have your teammates crawl to you. There’s no dying if you're down, so you can rat until it’s safe.

In most cases, teams won’t be able to baby sit downed opponents because they’re being attacked by someone. In one match, we managed to crawl from the front of Bonzai Plaza to the back and get revived, then go on to win the game.

The Apex Legends x Post Malone Event concludes on November 21st. The Three Strikes LTM will be available until then.