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Overwatch 2 Season 7 Patch Notes Reveal Hero Changes, Halloween Content, Group Respawn

The Overwatch 2 patch notes have been revealed for Season 7, which goes live tomorrow. Season 7 will bring Halloween content, a new map, and a big hero rework for Sombra. Here’s all you need to know about the patch notes for Overwatch 2 Season 7.

Halloween Terror 2023

Developers have announced the “spookiest event of the year” returning to Overwatch 2. Halloween Terror 2023 is bringing back game modes like Junkenstein’s Revenge and Wrath of the Bridge. There will also be a new game mode called Trials of Sanctuary, which has heroes powering up abilities to defeat powerful Diablo-themed bosses.

Find out more about the game mode here.

Overwatch Season 7 update

New Map, New Hero Rework

There’s a lot of new content coming to Season 7. The first is a new map, Samoa, a control map that features a tropical beach and city near a volcano. It will start off being available in Quick Play and other unranked modes and will come to Competitive Play later in Season 7.

The second big update in Season 7 is to Sombra. She will be more focused on engaging with a reworked kit that doesn’t allow her to sneak and escape as easily. Here are all of the details revealed in the patch notes:

Machine Pistol

  • Damage increased from 7.5 to 8.
  • Minimum Spread reduced from 0.5 to 0.
  • Number of shots until max spread has been increased from 3 to 6 shots.
  • Reload time reduced from 1.4 seconds to 1.2 seconds.


  • Cast time reduced from 0.75 seconds to 0.65 seconds.
  • Now cancels Stealth when hacking an enemy hero.
  • Cooldown increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
  • Hack has a reduced cooldown of 3 seconds if Hack is interrupted or if a non-hero enemy is hacked.
  • The “Hacked” warning text will now only appear while you are silenced and not for the remainder duration of the hack debuff.


  • Removed.


  • Ability reworked to be a passive. Sombra automatically becomes invisible after 3.5 seconds while not shooting, using a damaging ability, or receiving damage.
  • Stealth movement speed bonus reduced from 60% to 45%.
  • Fade Out duration into Stealth reduced from 0.375 seconds to 0.25 seconds.
  • Fade In duration from Stealth reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.375 seconds.
  • Updated the UI messaging to the Sombra player when hacking Health Packs to “Revealed” instead of “Detected”. Now the message “Detected” is only used when an enemy player is in the detection radius.


  • This is a new ability assigned to Ability 1 by default.
  • Fire a projectile that damages an enemy over time. Damage is dealt faster on Hacked enemies.
  • Impact Damage: 10 (20 on hacked target).
  • Damage over time: 100 over 4 seconds (100 over 2 seconds on hacked target).


  • Can no longer can be manually activated. Translocator will now automatically teleport Sombra after 0.25 seconds from being thrown or when impacting the environment.
  • Reduces the Stealth passive cooldown after teleporting.
  • Projectile speed increased from 25 to 72.
  • Cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds. Cooldown now begins after Sombra teleports to the location of the Transponder.
  • Projectile launch initial vertical offset removed.


  • Ultimate charge cost increased by 15%.
  • Health percent damage decreased from 40% to 30%.

Group Respawn

When it comes to interesting general updates, Overwatch 2 developers have introduced something called “Group Respawn.”

Now, when heroes die within five seconds of each other they will also respawn together. This may result in some players having a slightly longer or shorter queue but the goal is to ensure that teams have more opportunities for “team cohesion.” This change is not coming to competitive play at the moment.

“We think that team fights are some of the most enjoyable moments in our game, but we’ve all been in matches where team cohesion–or lack thereof–makes these moments a rarity. These matches often turn into stomps for the team that can’t group up, and preventing stomps is a high priority for us,” the official patch notes read.

Other interesting updates include the 75% XP penalty being removed from unranked leaver penalties, the ability to spectate your friends while they play Story Missions, and reducing the number of wins required to unlock Sojourn, Junker Queen, and Kiriko in Hero Challenges.

Hero Updates

Here are all of the hero updates in Season 7.




Damage reduction decreased from 50% to 45%.

Developer Comments: We are further readjusting Orisa’s survivability, which was originally increased due to the armor-damage reduction stacking change we made several patches ago. This particular change is relatively light as we still want her to be an effective pick against teams that lean on crowd control.


Nemesis Form

Cooldown decreased from 8 to 7 seconds.

Developer Comments: This change lets Ramattra project his influence more frequently with Nemesis Form, which translates into increased survivability and damage. The flexibility also makes it less punishing if he swaps back to Omnic Form early to use the Void Barrier.

Wrecking Ball

Quad Cannons

Number of shots to reach max spread increased from 20 to 30.

Developer Comments: This change lets Wrecking Ball finish off enemies a bit more reliably when he’s outside of point-blank range and makes him less reliant on his Piledriver combos.


Projected Barrier

Size decreased 15% now matching back to the size of Particle Barrier.

Health decreased from 225 to 200 matching back to the health of Particle Barrier.

Developer Comments: Zarya is using the barrier on her allies more often to peel or initiate combination plays, which makes the ability more team-oriented and less self-serving. This change preserves that interesting choice by keeping the cooldown reduced when used on an ally while targeting her energy sustain instead, which has increased significantly with the bonuses to the barrier health and size.



Combat Roll

Damage reduction increased from 50% to 75%.

Developer Comments: Most damage mitigation from Combat Roll feels incidental, as the ability is used more for mobility or reloading. This adjustment allows Cassidy to be more intentional with his rolls to avoid large amounts of damage with correct timing.


Deep Chill


Endothermic Blaster

Damage per second increased from 70 to 100.

Now immediately slows enemies by 40% instead of building up over time.

Developer Comment: We liked the one-two combo that Deep Chill provided, as it added an interesting layer for hero mastery. However, in practice, it increased the amount of crowd control suffered by enemy players while also reducing Mei’s effectiveness. Rather than further increasing the slow or increasing cumulative combo damage, both of which would lead to a more frustrating experience for the opposing player, we are reverting Mei back to her balance prior to adding the Deep Chill passive.


Rivet Gun

Primary fire recovery increased from .48 to .51 seconds.


Overhealth bonus decreased from 100 to 75.

Developer Comments: Torbjorn’s Rivet Gun can feel overwhelming with how quickly it shoots. This change reduces the firing cadence and makes it more manageable on the receiving end. Overload provides too much defensive value, so we are lowering the overhealth bonus.



Whip Shot

Damage increased from 70 to 80.

Developer Comment: This change increases her proficiency at protecting her allies by rewarding accuracy with her most aim-focused ability.


Solar Rifle

Secondary fire healing per second decreased from 120 to 105.

Developer Comments: Illari’s burst healing output is still a little too high, so we are lowering the effectiveness of the Solar Rifle secondary fire to bring her more in line with other support heroes.


In addition to the hero balance adjustments in this update, we are implementing additional quality-of-life settings and additional input options for several hero abilities to give you the ability to custom-tailor your experience of playing your favorite heroes.



Added the hero-specific options:

Light Gun Input – Primary Fire by default.

Relative Light Gun Aim Sensitivity – 100% by default.

Relative Light Gun Gyro Aim Sensitivity – 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms.


Added the hero-specific option:

Swap Meteor Strike Confirm and Zoom Out Inputs – Off by default.

Junker Queen

Added the hero-specific options:

Hide Commanding Shout Timer – Off by default.

Hold to use Jagged Blade – Off by default.


Added the hero-specific option:

Hold to use Terra Surge – Off by default.


Added the hero-specific options:

Void Barrier Confirmation Input - Secondary Fire Release by default.

Void Barrier UI – On by default.

Changed the hero-specific option:

Annihilation Cancel Input options changed from Ability 1/Ability 3 to Ability 1/Ability 3/Off.


Added the hero-specific option:

Charge Cancel Input – Ability 1 by default, with Primary Fire, Secondary Fire, or All as additional options available.


Whole Hog

Whole Hog can now be fired with Secondary Fire.

Added the hero-specific options:

Relative Aim Sensitivity During Whole Hog - 100% by default.

Relative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Whole Hog - 100% by default (Only available on gyro-supported platforms).


Added the hero-specific options:

Experimental Barrier UI - On by default.

Hide Gravitic Flux Timer - Off by default.

Gravitic Flux Confirmation Input - Primary Fire by default.


Primal Rage

Primal Rage melee attacks can now be fired with Secondary Fire and Quick Melee along with Primary Fire.

Added the hero-specific options:

Relative Aim Sensitivity During Primal Rage - 100% by default.

Relative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Primal Rage - 100% by default (Only available on gyro-supported platforms).

Wrecking Ball

Added the hero-specific options:

Hide Adaptive Shields Timer - Off by default.

Adaptive Shields UI - On by default.

Piledriver UI - On by default.



Added the hero-specific options:

Toggle Glide – Off by default.

Secondary Fire Activates Glide on Gamepad - On by default.



Dragonblade melee attacks can now be fired with Secondary Fire and Quick Melee along with Primary Fire.

Added the hero-specific options:

Hide Dragonblade Timer – Off by default.

Relative Aim Sensitivity During Dragonblade - 100% by default.

Relative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Dragonblade - 100% by default (Only available on gyro-supported platforms).


Added the hero-specific option:

Toggle Primary Fire – Off by default.


Added the hero-specific option:

Cryo-freeze Cancel Input – All by default.


Added the hero-specific options:

Relative Aim Sensitivity During Rocket Barrage - 100% by default.

Relative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Rocket Barrage - 100% by default (only available on gyro-supported platforms).


Added the hero-specific option:

Wraith Form Cancel Input – All by default.

Soldier: 76

Added the hero-specific options:

Relative Aim Sensitivity During Tactical Visor – 100% by default.

Relative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Tactical Visor – 100% by default (Only available on gyro-supported platforms).


Molten Core:

Molten Core can now be fired with Secondary Fire along with Primary Fire.

Added the hero-specific options:

Relative Aim Sensitivity During Molten Core - 100% by default.

Relative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Molten Core - 100% by default (Only available on gyro-supported platforms).



Added the hero-specific options:

Tree of Life Cancel Input – Ability 3 by default.


Added the hero-specific option:

Toggle Wall Ride - Off by default.


Added the hero-specific options:

Toggle Angelic Descent - Off by default.

Secondary Fire Activates Angelic Descent on Gamepad - On by default.


Added the hero-specific options:

Swap Biotic Orb Heal and Damage inputs - Off by default.

Hide Coalescence Timer - Off by default.

Relative Aim Sensitivity During Coalescence - 100% by default.

Relative Gyro Aim Sensitivity During Coalescence - 100% by default (Only available on gyro-supported platforms).


Added the hero-specific option:

Toggle Secondary Fire - Off by default.



There are now additional places for the attacking team to take cover around their initial spawn. The doors on the first checkpoint will now only close one of the two doors after the payload passes giving attackers more options to work through the difficult choke points. There will also be fewer places to take cover in the later parts of the map.



New Queen Street – Morning

Colosseo – Evening

Esperança – Morning


Blizzard World – Night

Eichenwalde – Morning

Hollywood – Morning

King’s Row – Night

Midtown - Night (New)

Numbani – Morning

Paraíso - Evening


Dorado – Evening

Havana – Morning

Watchpoint: Gibraltar – Morning

Junkertown – Morning

Circuit royal – Morning

Rialto – Evening

Route 66 - Overcast (New)

Shambali Monastery – Night


Antarctic Peninsula – Night

Busan – Morning

Ilios – Evening

Lijiang Tower – Dawn

Nepal – Morning

Oasis – Morning

Samoa – Morning (New Map)


New Junk City – Morning

Suravasa – Morning



Fixed a bug where some players were unable to capture Plays of the Game using the in-game capture system.

Fixed an issue with the ‘Random’ option for Victory Poses and Highlight Intros not saving.

Fixed a bug that could result in Support Heroes losing the ability to see allied health bars in Control matches.

Fixed an issue with the camera breaking during Plays of the Game if the player used a Souvenir during the play.


Watchpoint: Gibraltar

Fixed an issue with the end-of-game line-up camera clipping into the environment.


Fixed an area of the map that allowed turrets to be placed inside the environment.

New Junk City

Fixed some areas of the map that caused players to get stuck.

Fixed lighting in some areas around the map.

Fixed areas of the map that had gaps in its collision.


Fixed an area near the boat docks that could result in players becoming stuck.


Fixed lighting in several areas on the map.

Fixed some collision on the map that could cause some odd interactions with certain ultimate abilities.


Toronto Mission

Fixed a few areas on the map that could trap Tracer.



Fixed a bug that caused Magnetic Grenade to not detach from eliminated targets.


Fixed an issue that prevented the Perfect Placement achievement from completing in some cases.

Fixed an interaction with Healing Pylon and Lifeweaver’s Tree of Life, the pylon should now pass through the tree’s canopy.

Fixed an issue with Captive Sun that resulted in the normal primary fire being used if fired at the end of the ultimate duration.

Fixed a bug with Illari’s secondary fire that could cause performance issues.


Fixed an interaction that prevented the ‘Debuffs Cleansed’ emblem from counting Captive Sun effects cleansed with Kiriko’s Protection Suzu.

Fixed an issue that allowed Kiriko to teleport outside of the playable space.


Fixed an issue where Lifeweaver would call out an enemy Petal Platform as his own when pinging.


Fixed a bug that prevented damage from Mei’s alternate fire from being counted toward the progress of the ‘Weapon Damage’ emblem.


Fixed an issue with Kinetic Grasp that prevented the following abilities from being converted into overhealth: Ramattra’s Ravenous Vortex, Mei’s Blizzard, Sojourn’s Disruptor Shot.


Fixed Symmetra’s footsteps failing to play while crouched.