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LISTEN: Oakland Athletics Fans, I Feel Your Pain

As it appears to get closer and closer to the Oakland Athletics moving to Las Vegas, our own Brady Farkas of 'The Payoff Pitch' podcast says he understands what A's fans are going through. As someone who grew up a Seattle SuperSonics fan in the NBA and saw them leave, he can relate. He discusses how A's fans likely feel right now and may feel going forward.

On Wednesday night into Thursday morning, it became abundantly clear that the Oakland Athletics are leaving town.

It won't be tomorrow, it will likely be before the 2027 season, but it's coming. And it's very, very sad.

The Oakland Athletics are going to go to Las Vegas. First came the announcement that the A's were closing in on a deal for a stadium in Vegas. Then came the A's announcement confirming it.

Our own Brady Farkas of 'The Payoff Pitch' podcast discussed the situation earlier today. You can hear his full comments at the bottom of this page.

The gist of the comments though is the following: Brady gets how A's fans are feeling. As someone who grew up watching the Seattle SuperSonics of the NBA and saw them bolt for Oklahoma City, he has first-hand experience in seeing a favorite team ripped from a favorite city.

He talks about that experience, and how A's fans should feel going forward. Do you support the new team? Do you find a new team? Do you drop the sport together? Do you support of the team because of the team or because of the city? 

Of course, each person will come to their own individual conclusions but Brady tells you exactly how he handled things when the Sonics left. He's also seen it on another front: his dad was a Cleveland Browns fan who saw them bolt for Baltimore.

LISTEN to the full comments below and remember that new editions of 'The Payoff Pitch' come out each Wednesday by 8 a.m. ET.