F1 News: Monaco Grand Prix Chaos With Three Lap 1 Crashes

The Monaco Grand Prix was marred by multiple incidents right from the start, leading to a red-flag.
Monaco Grand Prix
Monaco Grand Prix / Mercedes Press Image

The Monaco Grand Prix was disrupted by a series of dramatic incidents on the first lap, causing major upheavals and a red flag.

As the race commenced, Charles Leclerc successfully retained his pole position, navigating smoothly through the notorious first corner of the circuit. However, shortly after, chaos ensued. Carlos Sainz of Ferrari got entangled with Oscar Piastri's McLaren, marking the beginning of a tumultuous lap. Despite sustaining damage, Sainz managed a limping return to the pits but it is currently unclear if he will be able to continue.

The situation escalated when Red Bull's Sergio Perez and both Haas drivers, Nico Hulkenberg and Kevin Magnussen, were involved in a huge collision. Climbing up the hill, Magnussen attempted an overly optimistic inside pass against the Mexican driver, resulting in contact that sent Perez's car flipping into the barriers, with Hulkenberg also getting caught in the aftermath. Miraculously, all drivers emerged unscathed, but the severity of the crash prompted the deployment of a red flag to allow for cleanup.

Sky Sports F1 commentator Martin Brundle did not mince words in his analysis, criticizing Magnussen's decision to remain alongside Perez. He commented during the broadcast:

"It was unnecessary from Kevin Magnussen to keep his car there. There was a moment when K-Mag should have abandoned that.

"It was not worth the risk up there. You are fighting at the back against a Red Bull when you are not anywhere near alongside."

Further complicating the first lap was an incident involving Alpine teammates Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly. The pair collided at Turn Eight, Portier, with Gasly vocalizing his bewilderment and frustration. "What did he do? Why did he try to attack me! Oh my gosh," Gasly exclaimed. "The whole car is damaged now!"

The damage caused to Ocon's car is deemed too much by the Alpine team and he retires from the race.

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Lydia Mee


Lydia is the lead editor of F1 editorial. After following the sport for several years, she was finally able to attend the British Grand Prix in person in 2017. Since then, she's been addicted to not only the racing, but the atmosphere the fans bring to each event. She's a strong advocate for women in motorsport and a more diverse industry.