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Pistons' Killian Hayes Punch on Magic's Moe Wagner 'Isn't Even Legal in MMA', Says Fighting Expert

Orlando Magic center Moe Wagner was struck in the back of the head by Detroit Pistons guard Killian Hayes, something you can't even do in mixed martial arts.

ORLANDO - The NBA is reviewing footage from Wednesday night's brawl between the Orlando Magic and Detroit Pistons and will likely hand out several suspensions.

While Magic center Moe Wagner began the instigation by shoving Pistons guard Killian Hayes into his bench, he likely won't receive the largest punishment.

Hayes should see the biggest suspension after throwing a punch to the back of Wagner's head while he couldn't see him.

According to CBS Sports, the punch Hayes threw isn't even legal in combat sports, which should mean a large fine and/or suspension are coming for the third-year guard.

Since the "Malice at the Palace" incident back in 2004 between the Pistons and Indiana Pacers that resulted in Ron Artest and Stephen Jackson entering the arena stands, the NBA hasn't seen many double-digit game suspensions for in-game fighting.

The last time a player was suspended for more than 10 games for fighting came back in 2006, when Denver Nuggets star Carmelo Anthony struck New York Knicks guard Mardy Collins.

Will Hayes' "MMA-illegal" move cost him a significant amount of time? That's certainly something the league has to be discussing, especially if the NBA wants to make an example out of the Magic and Pistons.

You can follow Jeremy Brener on Twitter @JeremyBrener.

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