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What Middle Tennessee State's Players Said About Playing No. 4 Alabama

QB Nicholas Vattiato and S Tra Fluellen met with the media before their matchup with the Crimson Tide on Saturday.

Middle Tennessee State quarterback Nicholas Vattiato and safety Tra Fluellen met with reporters on Monday afternoon previewing the Blue Raiders' game at No. 4 Alabama on Saturday night.

Here's a full transcript of the media availability:

QB Nicholas Vattiato

What has quarterbacks coach Brent Stockstill said to you about playing at Alabama?

"I remember briefly speaking about it. Really it started because last year Chase [Cunningham] and I would always pull up old games with Brent and he hated it. He would walk in the room and watching him and he'd be like, 'What are you guys doing?' But honestly, briefly spoke about it — I remember he just said he was still pretty young at the time, one of his first games he played in. He said, 'It's a big opportunity. Go out there and just it's the same game you've been playing your whole life. It's football at the end of the day.' But obviously he said it's a great atmosphere to play in and it's a great experience and opportunity. Like I said, it hasn't been much more than that."

You've had an interesting career. Is it any different now that you're the starting QB?

"I think definitely a little bit. I think going back to my freshman year it was kind of like midway through the year — just kind of go in to it and start playing. Then last year, Chase [Cunningham] went down one week and I stepped in for the one week and we made it work. I think being able to go through this spring, this summer, all throughout camp has been really good not just for myself but for everyone on the offense to kind of start [creating] some chemistry, some camaraderie with each other and I think we've done a hell of a job all throughout camp kind of building that trust with each other. I know Coach [Stewart] is big on that — building trust. So I feel really comfortable back there, I trust all my guys. Excited to get rolling this week."

Talk about that trust when it comes to the offensive line?

"They've done a hell of a job all throughout the spring, put the work they put in over the summer and then all throughout camp I think they've just been playing their butts off. I trust each and every one of them, whether it's the first group, second group, the third group — they've all been playing super hard, they've been communicating well which I think has been super important for us. I mean, if you look at game film from last year compared to what we've been doing in camp this year, I think their communication's at an all-time high. It's helped them pass off twists and stunts and all that kind of thing. And they've done a hell of a job protecting not just me but any quarterback who's in there. It's been really nice to kind of know when you drop back that you have five guys up there protecting for you. It makes your job a little easier too so I love those guys, trust them to the fullest and appreciate everything they do."

What impresses you about this Alabama defense?

"It goes without saying — they're a well-coached team. They know what they're doing. Rarely do they ever have a bust in coverage or a missed assignment on defense. Their front seven — they're strong, they're fast, they're very gap controlled. They never get out of their gap. I think when you go up something against that, it can be a challenge. But I think Coach [Stewart], Coach [Stockstill] [say] to us, 'We're just going to go down there and do what we do' and as long as we do that we'll put ourselves in the right position to win. But I mean that's a very good defense, they have great players and like I said, that goes without saying — great coaching. I think it's just more about not shooting ourselves in the foot. We have to go down there, do what we do, what we've been doing all throughout camp and put ourselves in the best position to win."

S Tra Fluellen

What are you talking about in the locker room about the opportunity you have as a team this weekend?

"For the most part, obviously we're playing Alabama. Everybody knows who Alabama is. Not a lot of people know who Middle Tennessee is. [The] only time that people really understood who Middle Tennessee was [was] after the Miami game. So for the most part, [we're] just trying to make us known as a team, rather than us just being different players, executing our job."

How do you stay within yourself and not get too anxious, too excited while playing against Alabama?

"I think for the most part, just having leadership and having an understanding of what's really going on. Obviously, at the end of the day, we're playing football — so us leaders, us captains keeping the team under control. We have a lot of great other dudes who are leading on the team. It's not just us captains. Us just understanding that we have to play the next play and just keep playing the next play and understand that there's going to be ups and downs is the biggest thing that's going to go on this year. So, being mature and being ready."

How is LB Devyn Curtis a stabilizing force for you guys as a defense?

"It's Devyn Curtis. Obviously, he's an All-American. And you can see it on and off the field. He does a great job of coming in, doing the things that we're supposed to do. He doesn't do anything wrong for the most part. Off the field, he's holding everybody accountable, doing everything right. Any time you have a guy that's doing that, it's going to be that much better of a team. Really appreciative of Devyn."

Emphasis from DC Scott Shafer on forcing turnovers?

"You have young guys, you have old guys — but anytime you have a coach that has that much pride and something like that, it makes you want to go that much harder for him. I can honestly say since he's been here, since I've been here — I've done nothing but want to go hard for that coach and very thankful that he's in my life because without him, I would not be here. He did a little speech a couple weeks ago — or I want to say last week — talking about [getting] the ball back. [It] kind of hit home for everybody because it's getting close to game time. Everybody's fired up right now. We got to maintain and keep our composure and stuff. Playing for Coach Shafer has been a joy."

How do you prepare when you are unsure who Alabama will play at QB?

"Like [Vattiato] said — it's a game. It's another game. We've been playing this [sport] our whole lives if not longer than that. We're not really too much worried about that. I think for the most part, we're just going to go out and play and do what we do. We're not really worried about any certain things — it's 'Bama, we know that. We just got to come to play. Coach [Stockstill] has talked about how we need to keep away from mess ups and stuff like that. That's how you lose and win first games so we're just going to go out and do our thing, do what we know, do what we practice and play [as] who we are."

See Also:

Alabama Football Looking Forward to Playing New Opponent After Grueling Fall Camp

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What Middle Tennessee Coach Rick Stockstill Said About Facing Alabama