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Lincoln Riley's brisket: You a fan, or nah?

Opinions vary on both sides of the Red River, but most of Twitter seems to think Riley smoked his Easter brisket in a nuclear furnace before turning it

You know you’ve made it as a football coach when America can’t stop commenting on your Easter brisket.

For most of the last 24 hours, Oklahoma football coach Lincoln Riley has been publicly shamed for overcooking a perfectly good brisket — hey, so what if he likes it dry? — of which he posted a photo on Sunday with a “Happy Easter” tweet.

Football rivalries are fun and all, but nothing gets us going more than politics, religion and barbeque.

Even Sports Illustrated’s “Extra Mustard” cooked up a piece focused on Riley’s brisket.

Although everyone either has complaints, commentary or simply wants to offer Riley their tips for smoking brisket, it seems the bitterest comments come from south of the Red River.

The best part is that it has devolved into hilariously tasty trash talk from players on both sides of the Red River Rivalry.

Texans have commented the most, of course — the most clever ones include illustrations of how they do not like their meat.

Some who may like their brisket a little on the dry side — mostly Sooner fans, it seems — showed their support.

And you’d better believe Riley’s coaching staff liked it.

Hey, if that meat was to be crumbled for brisket tacos, it was cooked perfectly.