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Technology Lets College Football Recruiting Get Creative

Coronavirus Crisis and Sports: March 31, 2020, and the best of Sports Illustrated

Leading off, today on the Coronavirus + Sports podcast, high school  football players across the country face new obstacles in figuring out their futures.

Meanwhile, the schools have been getting more creative with their approaches, while trying to stay within changing NCAA rules. 

SI recruitment expert @JohnGarcia_Jr explains to @lmechegaray how technology is helping athlete and recruiter during the pandemic.


Reaction to eligibility decision 

The NCAA has granted spring student-athletes an additional year of eligibility. 

However it might lead to more problems. 

First, we have reaction from SI senior writer Pat Forde who warns that while spring athletes an extra year was  the appropriate gesture, the devil will be in the details — and the dollars 

"This comes with unintended consequences, and some of them are difficult consequences.” 

College basketball and winter sports did not receive the same eligibility extension. @ByPatForde and Duke team reporter Shawn Krest discuss the NCAA decision


Not all heroes wear capes, but for Carmelo Anthony’s sake, he’s glad the hero that saved him is apparently an excellent swimmer. 

Anthony and close friend Dwyane Wade were conversing on Instagram Live when Wade’s wife Gabrielle Union asked Carmelo to tell the story, “when we were in the Bahamas and it didn’t look like you were going to make it.” 

Anthony hesitantly obliged detailed a trip to the Bahamas with Wade and fellow friend LeBron James. The group was in the water and as the others went back to the boat, Anthony stayed for awhile longer. He felt the current pulling him to the middle of the ocean. 

That’s when LeBron jumped into action. 

“Then I look up at the boat, and I see Bron jumped off the boat like he’s MacGyver,” Anthony said. “He jumped off the boat into the water. He was bringing me back with one arm. He’s swimming with the other arm.” Anthony continues, “He saved my life. I can’t hold you. He saved my life, he saved my life."

Talk about clutch

On the lighter side

• Olympic rock climbers are climbing all over their house to stay in shape these days.

• Aston Villa’s Jack Grealish pleaded with fans to stay home and then went out and crashed his car.

• Shaq addressed his relationship with controversial Tiger King star Joe Exotic

• And you thought hockey locker rooms smelled bad ... 

Check out the rest of  SI's Hot Takes.