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Texas Longhorns' Sam Ehlinger Shares Thoughts and Support for Protesters

The Texas quarterback took to Twitter to share a message of solidarity

The tragedy of George Floyd has taken over the nation's headlines over the past week. Many notable figures have taken their stance to social media to show their support and solidarity.

Texas quarterback took to twitter Saturday night to share his thoughts:

"Over the last few days, my heart has been extremely heavy. I can’t find the right words to describe how I’ve been feeling, but I wanted to put out a video to try to capture as much as I could.”

"I grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood. Playing college football has taught me a ton of lessons, but probably the one I’m most thankful for is the relationships and friendships I have built with my teammates. I realize nobody should be treated differently because of their skin color. I’ve formed unbelievable relationships with guys that I’m so thankful for.”

"In Matthew 22, God says, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ and that’s something I try to live by. I would just like to say that I’m extremely sorry for the way the black community has been treated. It’s not what God has called us to do, and I hope that we can move forward soon and treat everyone equally and understand there shouldn’t be any difference of how someone is treated because of their skin color or their race."

Ehilinger joins a growing list of athletes who’ve chosen to use their platform to bring attention to the ongoing issue in America:

LeBron James

Michael Thomas

Stephen Curry

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