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Tick tick goes the trade clock as we are less than 10 days from the August 1st trade deadline, and the Dodgers are yet to make any kind of impactful moves. 

Does that mean they won't make any? Not at all.'s, Juan Toribio, had his Twitter mentions and DMs bombarded with questions from Dodger fans - "Who are we getting?", "Why haven't we gotten anyone?" and an intriguing "Are the Dodgers going after Nolan Arenado?". 

Short answer - it doesn't seem like it. 

Toribio shut down that chat quickly with a brief response. 

Well, the Dodgers, and everyone, could use Nolan Arenado. He’s one of the best third basemen in the league. Now, do the Cardinals want to trade him? Probably not. Do the Dodgers want to put together a somewhat expensive package when they already have Max Muncy on the team? Also, probably not.

Juan Toribio -

Currently posting a .286 batting average with 21 home runs, 76 RBIs and an OPS of .856, many teams across the majors have inquired about the Cardinals third-baseman, but it doesn't seem like they'll nudge. 

And like Toribio said, with Max Muncy hopefully being fully healthy now, there is plenty of time for the third-baseman to get his swagger back. 

And it's not like we don't know what Max Muncy is capable of. Injuries just got the best of him this season. 

As exciting as Nolan Arenado becoming a Dodger would be, this pipe dream has been quickly squashed by Toribio, who also wrote in his piece about other questions for the Dodgers. 

From now until October, this can be seen as an experimental game for Dave Roberts and the Dodgers - so the team can see who is available for the postseason roster.