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LA Columnist Calls on Dodgers Owner to Hold Andrew Friedman and Front Office Accountable

Patience has run out.

Dodgers fans everywhere have grown impatient after their favorite team failed to win a championship under their current ownership group once again in 2023. 

Promise and expectations can only get you so far and one columnist has had enough of the empty words and wants ownership to take charge of their potential finally

Today, the absence of leadership feels like a problem. Where is the owner to challenge Friedman on his philosophy? Where is the owner to interject common sense into the conversation? Where can the owner reopen his checkbook and implore the baseball operations department to spend whatever it takes to ensure the Dodgers don’t have another year like this? Walter is the controlling owner of the Dodgers. He’s the person in charge. He has to start acting like it. The team’s circumstances require an owner who treats the Dodgers as a passion, not just one of the countless assets under the control of his Chicago-based financial services company, Guggenheim Partners.

via Dylan Hernandez, LA Times

Hernandez, like many, is tired of the preseason hype just to be let down by early October, especially after the Diamondbacks made it to the Fall Classic despite an 84-win regular season. 

LA now holds two straight NLDS exits without much fanfare in the past two years indicating that something in their system just isn't working. 

A bare-bones rotation and their poor hitting doomed them this season despite a 100-win regular season but a sweep at the hands of a division rival means more than any mere NL West crown. 

Andrew Friedman's reluctance to deal for a star at the trade deadline came back to bite him as nobody but LA's bullpen showed up to play in the biggest games of the year. 

Whether or not the Dodgers can change the narratives around them in 2024 remains to be seen, but Hernandez and the rest of Chavez Ravine sure hope they will.