Chargers News: Joe Alt Earned Rave Reviews from Coaches Pre-Draft

L.A.'s top draft selection this year heads into OTAs riding a wave of hype.
Los Angeles Chargers tackle Joe Alt (76) wears a Guardian helmet cap during organized team activities at the Hoag Performance Center. Mandatory Credit: Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
Los Angeles Chargers tackle Joe Alt (76) wears a Guardian helmet cap during organized team activities at the Hoag Performance Center. Mandatory Credit: Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports / Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
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The Los Angeles Chargers' top pick in the 2024 NFL Draft, former Notre Dame Fighting Irish All-American offensive tackle Joe Alt, has earned nothing but rave reviews from his peers at all prior levels of play, according to Joe Craig of The Star Tribune.

"Joe does things that aren't possible," Elite Performance Training consultant Alex Boone raved. "He's 6-9, 321 and we'll ask him to do wide pulls and his shoulder almost touches the ground, yet he doesn't lose his footing."

"And he's got the perfect locker-room personality," Boone continued. "Super funny, mature, has fun with the guys, but the minute you tell him to get serious, everything flips and he turns into this raging bull."

Prior to the draft, Craig reports that several franchises reached out to Alt's closest confidantes, in an effort to find any potentially negative issues.

"I tell them if you have to ask that question, then you don't really know Joe," Jay Anderson, Alt's head coach at Totino-Grace High School, said.

Alt, the son of two-time Pro Bowl Kansas City Chiefs tackle John, would aspire to live up to his dad's CV on the field.

"He's obviously the goal," said Joe. "I'd love to be able to say I filled that man's shoes. I got a ways to go."

"Joe's development is maybe three or four years ahead of where I was," John said. Craig notes that John continued to grow in fits and starts throughout his tenures at high school and college. "Physically, he's ahead of me. I had never lifted free weights in my life. … Mentally, he's definitely ahead of me... I gave him everything I could possibly give him in my head, in my heart and in my effort. And he's responded. Worked harder than anybody I've seen at any level. He's ready for this. Day 1."

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Alex Kirschenbaum


Alex Kirschenbaum is a maniacal sports fiend who derives his only pleasure in life from watching adults play children's games.