AEW Double or Nothing 2024 Results: Jack Perry Set on Fire, The Elite Win

AEW Double or Nothing 2024 live stream and results right here on Sports Illustrated's MMA Knockout.
The new Elite (Kazuchika Okada, The Young Bucks, and Jack Perry) poses ahead of AEW Double or Nothing 2024.
The new Elite (Kazuchika Okada, The Young Bucks, and Jack Perry) poses ahead of AEW Double or Nothing 2024. / (via AEW)

"Sin City" is set for AEW Double or Nothing 2024, and we've got you covered with a live stream of the Buy In show and results.

AEW has a slew of matches on tap for tonight's event, which will be held inside the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. One of the key matches on the show will be Anarchy in the Arena, which will feature The Elite taking on Team AEW. Plus, there are seven title matches set for the card and a title eliminator match.

If you can't catch the action live, MMA Knockout on Sports Illustrated has you covered throughout the night.


AEW Double or Nothing 2024 Results + Live Stream

There has been a lot of buzz on tonight's AEW Double or Nothing show, with many speculating a surprise or two could be in store. What is known is that AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland is putting his gold at stake against Christian Cage. Women's World Champion "Timeless" Toni Storm will put her title on the line against Serena Deeb.

Tonight will also mark the in-ring AEW debut of Mercedes MonΓ©. She will be challenging Willow Nightingale for the TBS Championship.

The aforementioned Anarchy in the Arena match will see The Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada, and Jack Perry take on Bryan Danielson, Darby Allin, and FTR.

In total, 12 matches are scheduled for Double or Nothing 2024, with two of them being on the Buy In show. You can catch a live stream of the Buy In below, which begins at 6:30 p.m. ET.

The PPV portion kicks off at 8 p.m. ET. Keep refreshing this page for live updates.

AEW Double or Nothing 2024 Results

Roderick Strong (c) vs. Will Ospreay - for the AEW International Championship

Ospreay went for Hidden Blade before the bell rang. The action quickly spilled to the outside and Ospreay took out Mike Bennett and Matt Taven.

The Undisputed Kingdom were ejected from ringside after constant interference.

Referee Bryce Remsberg checked on Roderick Strong, and Don Callis told Ospreay to hit the Tiger Driver. Ospreay shoved the referee out of the way, but couldn't bring himself to do the move.

Eventually, Ospreay hit Storm Breaker for the win.

Winner and NEW AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay

After the match, Adam Cole made his way out with the Devil's mask. As he was verbally bashing the fans in Las Vegas, the lights went out. MJF made his way out and kicked Cole low before planting him with a brainbuster. MJF said he's not going anywhere anytime soon.

Bang Bang Gang (c) vs. Death Triangle - for the AEW Trios Championship

PAC hit a German suplex on Jay White. Austin Gunn planted him with a clothesline, but Penta hit him with a Canadian Destroyer. Jay White planted Fenix with a uranage.

Juice Robinson made his return and cost Death Triangle the match when Jay White hit Blade Runner on PAC off the interference.

Winners and STILL AEW Trios Champion: Bang Bang Gang

Toni Storm (c) vs. Serena Deeb - for the AEW Women's World Championship

Deeb locked in a single-leg Boston Crab. Mariah May tried grabbing the towel from Luther, but Toni grabbed the bottom rope. Storm blamed Luther and threw the towel into the crowd.

Toni landed Storm Zero, but Deeb kicked out. Eventually, Deeb was nailed with a Storm Zero off the turnbuckle, followed by another near the center of the ring for the win.

Winner and STILL AEW Women's World Champion: Toni Storm

Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta

OC rammed Beretta's head into the corners. He landed his trademark tornado DDT before connecting with a suicide dive.

Beretta gained the advantage and raked the eyes of his former friend.

Beretta hit a Gotch style piledriver on the ring apron.

Beretta went to hit a piledriver on OC onto the ring steps, but Cassidy tripped his leg and Trent went crashing onto the steps. Inside the ring, Beretta hit Strong Zero for a near fall.

Cassidy hit Beach Break for a two-count. OC scored a counter pinfall on Beretta for the three.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Chris Jericho (c) vs. HOOK vs. Katsuyori Shibata - for the FTW Championship

Jericho poured dice onto the ring mat, but HOOK and Shibata double teamed to hit a backdrop right on the dice.

All three men grabbed kendo sticks. Jericho tried hitting his opponents with his weapon, but to no avail. HOOK and Shibata blasted Jericho with shots from their kendo sticks.

Jericho was placed on a table. HOOK went up the top rope, but Shibata cut him off. Shibata hit a Death Valley Driver to HOOK onto Jericho, but the table didn't break. Jericho set the table up in the corner, but Shibata threw him right into it.

HOOK caught Jericho in Redrum, but Big Bill attacked him to break up the hold. From the ring apron, HOOK put Big Bill right through the table with a T-bone suplex.

While Shibata and HOOK had simultaneous submissions on Jericho, Bryan Keith laid out Shibata. HOOK fought Keith off, but Jericho hit him with the Judas Effect. Jericho chose to cover Shibata for the win.

Winner and STILL FTW Champion: Chris Jericho

Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita - IWGP World Championship Eliminator

Takeshita wasted little time going after the injured arm of Moxley. At one point, Takeshita wedged Moxley's arm in a chair and started kicking it.

Moxley withstood the damage and landed a Cutter.

Takeshita landed a knee strike, but the IWGP World Champion kicked out. Takeshita removed his elbow pad, but got caught in a bulldog choke. Moxley used his bandage to wrap it around the neck of Takeshita before going for Death Rider. Takeshit threw Moxley shoulder-first into the ring post. Takeshita stole Moxley's Death Rider for a near fall.

Don Callis called for Takeshita to throw chairs in the ring. This ended up costing Konosuke, as Mox hit a stomp right onto a chair when the referee was getting rid of the other weapons. Moxley then hit Death Rider for the win.

Winner: Jon Moxley

Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match: Adam Copeland (c) vs. Malakai Black - for the TNT Championship

It didn't take long to see blood in this one. Copeland drove the barbed wire into the head of Malakai.

Malakai went for a slingshot on Copeland onto the barbed wire, but "The Rated-R Superstar" landed on the middle rope. Malakai tripped Copeland, causing his head to slam into the wire. Copeland is now bleeding.

Malakai put Copeland through a table with a powerbomb, but couldn't secure the three. Copeland put Malakai on a new table and wrapped him around barbed wire. Copeland then climbed the top of the cage and hit an elbow drop.

Buddy Matthews and Brody King made their way out and pretended to side with Copeland, but attacked him instead. House of Black put barbed wire around Copeland's head like a cross.

Gangrel appeared from under the ring and hit Impalers on House of Black.

Malakai kicked Gangrel, but he was hit with a Spear. Copeland wrapped barbed wire around the face of Malakai in a submission, and Black passed out.

Winner and STILL TNT Champion: Adam Copeland

After the match, Copeland and Gangrel hugged.

Backstage, Don Callis revealed he will be offering a contract for a new member of the Don Callis Family on Wednesday's episode of AEW Dynamite.

Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Mercedes MonΓ© - for the TBS Championship

MonΓ© went for the double knees off the ring arpon, but Willow moved. Mercedes then attempted a baseball slide, but Willow caught her and hit a slam on the apron.

Mercedes rolled through and sunk in the Ankle Lock. Willow used her strength to slam Mercedes's head on the mat to get out of it. Mercedes connected with a Backstabber for a near fall.

Mercedes was hit with a huge Pounce from Willow.

Marcedes landed a powerbomb on Willow from the turnbuckle.

With women were on the ring apron, and Willow landed a kneebreaker. Nightingale then hit a Death Valley Driver in the corner. She went for a cannonball, but Mercedes moved out of the way. She then stomped the leg of Willow.

Stokley Hathaway argued with the referee for too long after Statlander tried getting revenge on Mercedes for a shove. Willow had Mercedes beat with the Dr. Wily Bomb, but the distraction allowed Mercedes enough time to kick out.

Mercedes hit the
MonΓ© Maker for the three.

Winner and NEW TBS Champion: Mercedes MonΓ©

After the match, Stokely yelled at Willow but was shoved by Kris Statlander. It was all a ruse, as Statlander drove Willow's head on the ramp.

Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Christian Cage - for the AEW World Championship

Swerve went for a suplex, but Christian countered with a reverse DDT. Christian Cage looked for a diving headbutt, but nobody was home. Swerve looked to leap on Cage off the ring apron, but he went headfirst into the barricade.

Mother Wayne grabbed the AEW World Championship, but Prince Nana stopped her by grabbing the title. The referee Paul Turner only saw Nana and ejected him from ringside.

Swerve took out Killswitch and Nick Wayne. He went for the Swerve Stomp, but Christian got out of the way. Paul Turner threw The Patriarchy out of the ring after all three of them were caught on the ring apron.

Nick Wayne returned and planted Swerve on the outside. Prince Nana ran back down to chase off Wayne with a pipe. Inside the ring, Swerve kicked out of the Killswitch.

Swerve nailed the House Call on Christian. He then hit the Swerve Stomp followed by another House Call for the win.

Winner and STILL AEW World Champion: Swerve Strickland

After the match, Swerve celebrated with International Boxing Hall of Famer Floyd Mayweather.

Anarchy in the Arena Match: The Elite (The Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada, and Jack Perry) vs. Team AEW (Bryan Danielson, Darby Allin, and FTR)

Team AEW immediately attacked The Elite. Darby Allin then ran down and his entrance music played. Matt Jackson grabbed a mic and demanded that the music gets cut and instead decided to play The Young Bucks' theme.

Danielson then grabbed a mic, and he got the production team to play The Final Countdown.

Darby Allin hit a Coffin Drop onto a pile of bodies in the crowd.

Okada did his trademark crossbody into the crowd on Danielson. Meanwhile, Darby gave Jack Perry an ice bath near the parking garage. Perry ended up hitting Darby with a pipe to the midsection.

Jack Perry drove a bus into a pile, and the commentators were wondering if Darby was run over. Perry was knocked out when the vehicle crashed. Back to the arena, FTR hit a spike piledriver on Nicholas Jackson on the ring apron.

Okada placed Cash Wheeler on a table at the top of the ramp. Nicholas climbed the set and hit a senton through the table.

Jack Perry grabbed Tony Khan from the backstage area. Darby Allin returned with a flamethrower. Darby set Perry on fire before The Young Bucks used a fire extinguisher.

Okada grabbed an arm sleeve with thumbtacks on it and he hit the Rainmaker on Cash Wheeler.

Darby was hung above the ring and got superkicked with thumbtack-laced sneakers.

Jack Perry ended up scoring the pin on Bryan Danielson.

Winners: The Elite


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Fernando Quiles Jr.


Fernando has over a decade of combat sports news writing experience. He currently covers MMA, boxing, and pro wrestling. Fernando joined MMA Knockout as the Lead Writer/Editor when it was founded in 2023.