Top stars, best performances for Jan. 29 in Mississippi high school boys basketball

From Jackson Prep's Cam Brent to Center Hill's Kaeden Laws, there were several standout boys basketball performances across the state of Mississippi on Friday,
Top stars, best performances for Jan. 29 in Mississippi high school boys basketball
Top stars, best performances for Jan. 29 in Mississippi high school boys basketball /

From Jackson Prep's Cam Brent to Center Hill's Kaeden Laws, there were several standout boys basketball performances across the state of Mississippi on Friday, Jan. 29.

Here's a look at Friday's top boys basketball performances:

Did we miss someone? Tag us on Twitter or Instagram @sblivems and let us know. We’ll update the post with more top performances as they are submitted by readers.



Rashad Bolden, St. Andrew's: Scored 28 points in a 78-41 win over Magee.

Cam Brent, Jackson Prep: Brent exploded for 43 points - including 12 3-pointers - in a loss to Parklane Academy.

Tanner Burcham, Center Hill: Scored 21 points in a 76-55 win over Saltillo.

Amoni Curry, Moss Point: Curry racked up 16 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists in a win over Bay High.

John Davis, Pascagoula: Davis had 33 points and 5 steals to lead Pascagoula to a 67-65 win over Gautier.

Shane Davis, Madison Central: Davis had 12 points, 6 rebounds and 2 blocks to lead Madison Central to a 60-57 win over Warren Central.

Cortez Dennis, Stone: Scored 19 points in a 41-36 win over Poplarville.

Braxton Gibbs, Saltillo: Scored 16 points in Saltillo's loss to Center Hill.

Kimani Hamilton, Clinton: Hamilton scored 16 points - all in the second half - to lead unbeaten and top-ranked Clinton to a 67-46 win over Murrah.

Parker Henry, West Lauderdale: Henry had his second triple double of the season with 13 points, 11 rebounds and 10 blocks in a 59-58 loss to Louisville.

Erin Jones, Richland: Scored a game-high 25 points in Richland's 72-45 loss to Quitman.

Marquavous Jones, Holly Springs: Scored 18 points in a 63-50 win over Senatobia.

C.J. Keys, Quitman: Scored 20 points to lead all Quitman scorers, and the Panthers pulled away for a 72-45 win over Richland.

Kaeden Laws, Center Hill: Scored 23 points in a 76-55 win over Saltillo.

Coltie Young, Starkville: Scored a game-high 23 points to lead Starkville to a 67-52 win over Germantown.


Did we miss someone? Tag us on Twitter or Instagram @sblivems and let us know. We’ll update the post with more top performances as they are submitted by readers.
