ESPN Announcer Had Perfect Reaction to Cardinals Catcher Getting Hit in Groin

Cardinals catcher Ivan Herrera somehow stayed in the game after this.
Cardinals catcher Ivan Herrera somehow stayed in the game after this. /

Being a catcher in baseball is a brutal job. You spend hours a day crouched behind a plate catching ridiculous pitches thrown by pitchers who can make baseballs do really silly things these days, all with a hitter standing a few inches in front of you and an ump basically breathing down your neck.

You know what can make that job even worse? Getting hit in the groin by a foul ball, that's what. St. Louis Cardinals catcher Ivan Herrera sadly experienced that during Sunday night's win over the rival Chicago Cubs when Ian Happ fouled one off into his nether regions. The poor guy fell to the ground but was able to shake it off and stay in the game.

ESPN's Eduardo Perez had a perfect two-word reaction to the replay:

Listen to the sound Herrera made:

That's not a fun night at work.

Andy Nesbitt


Andy Nesbitt is the Assistant Managing Editor of Audience Engagement at Sports Illustrated. He works closely with the Breaking & Trending News Team to shape SI’s daily coverage across all sports. He has been working in sports media for over 20 years, appearing on Fox Sports, For the Win, The Boston Globe, and NBC Sports. He’s a golf fanatic who desperately wants to see the Super Bowl played on a Saturday night.