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Cheerleader of the Week

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1. I love Stanford, but I almost: Tried to pursue a dance career.

2. My favorite class is: 3-D Modeling, Process, and Methodology

3. Movies I can't live without:Edward Scissorhands, American Beauty, The Sound of Music

4. Music I can't live without: Regina Spektor, Tupac, Jay-Z, Simon & Garfunkel

5. TV shows I can't live without: Anything on Food Network

6. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you during a game? Once I didn't realize that the other girls ran off during a timeout and continued to dance by myself for what must have been a really long time when I finally realized that I was alone, the other girls were already sitting on the edge of the court laughing hysterically.

7. My favorite sport is: Basketball (to watch) and squash (to play)

8. My favorite professional sports teams are: Colorado Rockies and Denver Broncos

9. My one Guilty Pleasure is: Shopping online

10. My best physical feature: People tell me that I have really pretty hands.

11. Strange and unusual fact about me: I can walk on my hands.

12. My friends would be surprised to know that: I am related to Andrew Jackson.

13. Favorite Foods: Lemon bars, breakfast burritos, guacamole

14. Five People I'd Like To Have Dinner With (Living or Dead): Johnny Depp, Cleopatra, Barack Obama, Michelangelo and my grandpa.

15. Three People who annoy me: I can't think of three people and feel like it would be to mean to single out just one.

16. Next Risk I Want To Take: Skydiving

17. If your life had a theme song, what would it be? It would have to be a medley of about thirty.

18. What reality show would you do best on and why? The Next Food Network Star because I love food, cooking food, and talking about food.

19. If I won the lottery, the first thing I'd buy is: Something ridiculous and excessive out of an on-flight catalogue.

20. Describe the worst date you ever went on: Well I guess I have been really lucky because I can't remember any unfortunate dates.