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Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson tells a riddle

Can you solve this classic riddle from Adrian Peterson?

Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson was still “fuming” Thursday after his team’s loss to the San Francisco 49ers on Monday night, reports ESPN’s Ben Goessling.

But as it turns out, not even a bad mood can stop Peterson from joking around. The running back hit reporters with this riddle on Thursday:

“30 cows in a pen, 28 chickens. How many didn’t?”

Now, allegedly this is a fairly famous riddle? I’ll admit, I didn’t get the answer, but I have some qualms about the fairness here.

Scroll down for the answer.

Keep scrolling. Maybe read this Extra Mustard story first: Taylor Swift is outpricing some NFL teams in their own stadiums.

Ready? The Answer:

The answer is 10. Because the riddle is supposed to read, “30 cows in a pen. 20 ate chickens. How many didn’t?” I argue the solution has to be more obvious if you hear the riddle as opposed to read it.

But riddles are good! Let’s have more riddles. We can only imagine what Gronk’s reaction to this would be.