MLB Ump Drops F-Bomb on Hot Mic After Replay Review in Rangers-Phillies Game

Umpire Alan Porter signals home run during the Rangers - Phillies game.
Umpire Alan Porter signals home run during the Rangers - Phillies game. / NBC Sports Philadelphia

The Philadelphia Phillies beat the Texas Rangers, 5-2, on Tuesday night at Citizens Bank Park. The Phillies had a 3-1 lead in the 8th inning when Corey Seager hit a home run off Jeff Hoffman that knocked the nachos out of a fan's hands, creating quite a mess for both the fan and umpiring crew who ruled on the field that the ball did not make it over the fence.

After a crew chief review, umpire Alan Porter announced that the ball had in fact gone out and that Seager's hit was a home run. Porter then forgot to turn off his microphone and the NBC Sports Philadelphia broadcast was treated to further NSFW explanation.

Warning, there's a bad word in this video:

"See that was one where we all thought like, we thought it was gone, but we're like its just a crew chief review and we're just going to go because we're not going to flip it and then f---ing look stupid if it didn't [leak?]."

It's unclear if the same hot mic audio aired on the Bally Sports Southwest or in the stadium, but at least Philadelphia fans watching at home heard Porter's explanation. It's just a shame he didn't talk about the nachos, which he had certainly seen meet their fate during his replay review. He would not have been wrong to tell whoever he was actually talking to that it was a damn shame.

Stephen Douglas


Stephen Douglas is a Senior Writer on the Breaking & Trending News Team at Sports Illustrated. He has been in journalism and media since 2008, and now casts a wide net with coverage across all sports. Stephen spent more than a decade with The Big Lead and has previously written for Uproxx and The Sporting News. He has three children, two degrees and one now unverified Twitter account.