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Drunk in Love: Steve Francis Pours Champagne on Himself

Steve Francis just can't catch a break these days.

The former Houston Rockets star was spotted at a Miami nightclub enjoying himself—perhaps a little too much—as he took his embarking on Drake's patented 24-hour champagne diet, or so it would seem.

Stevie Franchise sang along to Beyoncé's "Drunk in Love," donned shades, and sang along to nobody in particular, not noticing the camera pointed at him from elsewhere in the club.

Toward the end of the video, a still-thirsty Francis impressively waterfalls a bottle of H20 mostly into his mouth, before...falling down.

Francis has a unique history of spending time in the club, if I do say so myself. Reports he woke up in the kitchen screaming "how did this happen?" are still unconfirmed.

But at least we'll always have this Steve Francis.