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Take this 1954 sports quiz from the first issue of SI

Test your old-school sports trivia knowledge with this "Quick quiz on sport," which appeared in the first issue of Sports Illustrated, on Aug. 16, 1954.

Test your old-school sports trivia knowledge with this "Quick quiz on sport," which appeared in the first issue of Sports Illustrated, on Aug. 16, 1954.

(Note: "foot ball" and "base ball" were two words back then. Also, this was technically an ad for Spalding, so it's heavy on the brand name-dropping.)

Plus, a bonus open-ended question:

5. The names are on the Official base balls of the Major Leagues. Which two are on the American League ball? Which, the National?

Question 5

Scroll down for the answers.

Spalding quiz


1. (c) Early day Spalding golf ball. 

2. (b) Dr. James Naismith, who invented basketball in 1891 at Springfield College (Mass.).

3. (b) Spalding J5-V foot ball. The ball re-shaped itself when truck was removed.

4. (d) Tennis in the elite 80's.

5. On the American League ball: (a) William Harridge, league president, (d) player A.J. Reach. On the National League ball: (b) Warren Giles, league president, (c) A.G. Spalding.