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Ferrell Takes The Field clip revisits Will Ferrell's time in MLB

Back in March, Will Ferrell brought interest in spring training to new heights when it was announced the comedian would play 10 positions for 10 teams all in one day in the Cactus League.

Back in March, Will Ferrell brought interest in spring training to new heights when it was announced the comedian would play 10 positions for 10 teams all in one day in the Cactus League.

The stunt was part of a campaign to raise money for Ferrell's Cancer for College fund, and his marathon day as a baseball player was captured by HBO for a new documentary titled Ferrell Takes The Field.

HBO has released a short clip of the project, which is set to premiere on Sept 21, as MLB's regular season enters it final games, and the film seems to have everything a Ferrell fan could want, including nacho beards and a hilarious retirement speech.

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