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Johnny Manziel: ‘I think Merril Hoge needs to worry about his big neckties’

Merril Hoge has a history of criticizing Johnny Manziel. He also wears enormous necktie knots.

ESPN analyst Merril Hoge has a history of criticizing Johnny Manziel. He also wears enormous necktie knots.

Hoge said in 2014 that the man in Cleveland who drafted Johnny Football needed to fired.

“He has sixth-round talent but first-round hype,” Hoge said.

So, what happened when a reporter asked Manziel what he thought of the doubt that Hoge and others have cast down on him? He called Hoge out on his bizarre wardrobe trend.

“I think Merril Hoge needs to worry about his big neckties more than anything else,” Manziel said Friday. “He’s been that way since I decided to come out into the draft.”

This is an epidemic. I mean, look at this man and his knot.

ESPN’s NFL Insider Adam Schefter agrees with Johnny Football.

I have the feeling Hoge’s knot will remain as giant as his mouth tends to be. 

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- Kenny Ducey