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Joe Ingles says he’ll pay to send the Warriors to Vegas

Joe Ingles knows how to keep the Warriors busy if they get bored in Utah.

Joe Ingles knows how to keep the Warriors busy if they get bored in Utah: he’s offered to pay for the Warriors’ travel to Las Vegas on off days.

“The problem with Utah is that you're just sitting there and your mind is like dead, because in L.A. you still got energy for the game," Andre Iguodala said this week, expressing his preference to play the Clippers in the second round of the playoffs. Too bad, Andre.

"Because you're in L.A., you're like, 'Man, this is just the vibe in L.A.' but in Utah, it can kind of lull you to sleep. And then you've slept too long or I'm bored out of my mind and now you got to try to pump yourself up for the game. You know you're in the playoffs and you're supposed to be pumped anyway, but the vibe is just like, 'Man, let's just get out of here.'"

“They can still go to L.A. between the games if they want. They’ve got enough money to pay for a jet to go over for a night and come back on game day. If they want the entertainment, they can drive to Vegas if they really want,” Ingles said. “I’ll hire the car for them.”

The Warriors may not be exercising this option, since it’s the playoffs, after all.

But hey, Joe, my man, call me.