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American shot putter Adam Nelson to get 2004 Olympic gold after medal stripped from Ukrainian rival

The IOC announced that U.S. shot putter Adam Nelson will get the 2004 Olympics gold after Yuriy Bilonog was stripped of the medal due to doping. (Andy Lyons/Getty Images)

U.S. shot putter Adam Nelson will get the 2004 Olympics gold after Yuriy Bilonog was stripped of the medal due to doping. (Andy Lyons/Getty Images)

Adam Nelson, a U.S. shot putter will be awarded the gold medal from the 2004 Games in Athens, reports ESPN. Ukrainian athlete Yuriy Bilonog originally won gold but was stripped of his medal in December after he was accused of doping. On Thursday, IOC members officially announced that Nelson would be given the gold medal.

From the ESPN report:

"The IOC says it has reallocated the medals from three Athens events in which athletes were retroactively disqualified after their doping samples were retested and came back positive."